Page:Diary of the times of Charles II Vol. I.djvu/320

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deputies said that they most never do any thing au prejudice du Roy d'Angleterre et d'Espagne. Mr. Meredith told me that the resolution they had taken was to desire the King of France not to take it ill their not making this alliance with him, because they could not do it without disobliging their Allies.

18th.I dined with the Prince; there was a Prince of the Palatinate, and Monsieur Voorschout, one of the nobles. Monsieur Siegle was with me, and told me how the Pensioner had been with him, and that he was much concerned to have the business accommodated between the Dukes of Luxemburgh and the Elector of Brandenburgh. He says his master's troops are marched towards the Elector. At night I heard of the prorogation of Parliament. The Prince told me he was afraid it would have an ill effect here; that if the French did press again for the Alliance, he was afraid they would be more inclined to it than they were the other day.

19th.I was with the Pensioner, and spoke to him of the Prince Elector's business; he promises me it shall be done; then we talked of the state of our affairs in England; he is much surprised and troubled at the news I told him; he is afraid it