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92 PALAMAS. Niceph. Gregor. vol. ii. p. 1321, ed. Bonn), though probably now neglected or forgotten. Palamas was a copious writer ; many of his works are extant in MS., and are enumerated by "Wharton and Gery in the Appendix to Cave, and by Fabricius. Nicephorus Gregoras says (xxiii. 3. § 3) that he wrote more than sixty yoi, oratioiies; and Boivin, in a note on the passage (vol. ii. p. 1317, ed. Bonn), states that one MS. in the king's library at Paris contained more than seventy homilies or other short pieces. So that the state- ment of Gregoras must refer only to pieces written on occasion of Palamas' controversy with him, or must be ver}'- much below the mark. The following have been published. 1. Prosopopoeia s. Frosopo- poeiae, s. Oraliones dziae judiciales, Mentis Corpus accusantis, et Corporis sese de/endentis, una cum Judicum Senlentia ; published under the editorial care of Adr. Turnebus, 4to, Paris, 1553, and given in a Latin version in many editions of the Bihlio- tlieca Patrum, e. g. in vol. xxvi. p. 199, &c., ed. Lyon, 1677. 2. Ets rriv a-e-nTrju fieraiuLopcpwcnp Tov Kvpiov Koi Qeoij Kol 'XoiTrjpos riixQv 'Irjaou Xpi(TTou ' iu f] irapdaTaais on to kut avTTJu <pas aKTiffTov kcTTiv. K6yos a. In venerahilem Domini et Dei ac Salvatoris nostri Jesu Christi Transforma- tionetn, ubi probatur quod in ea est Lumen increatum esse; Oratio Prima. 'OfxiXla ds rriu avrrju rev Kvpiov aeirTrjv /xeTa/JiSptpcocnv iv rj irapdcrTaais (os el Koi aKTKTTOV etrrt to /caT* avrrju ^etoTUTov ^aJs, d* ovK icTTiv omla &eov. yos )8'. Tradatus in eandem venerandam Domini Transformaiionem ; in quo probatur.^ quanquam increatum est illius divinis- simum Lumen, haud tamen Dei Essentiam esse. Oratio Secunda. These two orations were pub- lished with a Latin version by Comb^fis in his Auctarium Novissimum, fol. Paris, 1672, pars ii. p. 1 06, &c. The Latin version was given in the Lyon edition of the Bihliotlieca Patrum, fol. 1677, vol. xxvi. p. 209, &c. 3. Ao7ot j8', diroheLKTiKol OTi ov-)(i Kal CK rod Tlov dA' e/c fiopov Tov Harpus iKTTopeverai to iruevfjLa rb ayiop, Orationes duae demonstrativae quod non ex Filio^ sed ex solo Patre procedat Spiritus Sanctus. These were published, 4to. London, without date (but stated by some of our authorities to be 1624), together with a num- ber of other pieces of Barlaara the Calabrian, Ga- briel Severus of Philadelphia, Meleteus Pega of Alexandria, Maximus Margunius of Cerigo, Nilus, and Georgius Scholarius [Gennadius of Constan- tinople, No. 2 J, Greek writers of comparatively recent period. This volume was dedicated to the four patriarchs of the Greek Church, Cyrillus Lu- caris of Constantinople, Gerasimus Spartaliotes of Alexandria, Athanasius III. of Antioch, and Theophanes IV. of Jerusalem. 4. 'Avniviypacpal, Refulatio Eocpositionum s. Epigrapharum Joannis Vecci, published with a Confutatio by Cardinal Bessarion [Joannes, No. 21] in the Opuscula Aurea of Petrus Arcudius, 4to. Rome, 1630, and again 1671. 5. S. Petri Atlionitae (s. de Monte Atlio) Encomium, published with a Latin version, introduction, and notes, by Conrad. Janningus, in the Acta Sanctorum, Junii, a, d. xii. vol. ii. p. 535, &c. 6. 'EttI Aarivwv avuTOfiia, Adversus Latinos Confessio, printed from a MS. in the royal library at Turin in the Codices MSti BiUioth. Peg. Taurin. pars i. p. 281-2. 7. 'ETio-ToXT? irpos rrv ^eoancprj ^aaiK'iBa KvpoLu "hvvav rrju Ilaaioo- yivav, Epistola ad dimniius coronatam Augmtam Aimam Palaeologinamy printed by Boivin in his PALAMEDES. notes to the Illst. Bi/zant. of Nicephorus Gregoras, fol. Paris, 1702, p. 787 ; vol. ii. p. 1282, ed. Bonn. Boivin has also given two extracts, one of some length, from a writing of Palamas, Adversus Jo> annem Calecam (p. 789, ed. Paris, p. 1285, ed. Bonn) ; the other, very brief, from an Epistola ad Joannem Gabram (p. 1275, ed. Bonn). Various citations from his works, but without further speci- fication, are given by Nicephorus Gregoras {Hist. Byzant. xxiii. 3. § 2. p. 697, &c.,ed. Paris, p. 1112, &c., ed. Bonn). It is probable that the Tomus or declaration issued by the synod of Constantinople, A. D. 1351, against the Barlaamites was drawn up by Palamas or under his inspection. It is given with a Latin version by Comb^fis inhh Auctarium Novissimum, fol, Paris, 1672, pars ii. p. 135, &c., and is entitled To'/ios eKTeflels rrapd rrjs deias koi hpds (Tvvodov roO avyKpoTT^OdaTjs icard raov (ppovovvrwv rd BapXad/j. re Kal 'AkiuSvvov iirl TTjy fiaaieias tuv evaeSwv Kal opdodo^uv fiacriXewu riixwu KavraKov^r]vov kou UaXaioXSyov, Tomus a divina sucraque Synodo adversus cos coacta qui Barlaatn et Acindyni opinionis sunt, Cantacuzeno ac Palaeologo religiosis orthodoodsque Jmperatoribus noslris, editus ac expositus. The Greek writers be- longing to the Romish Church, as Allatius, Nicolaus Comnenus Papadopoli, and others, heap on Palamas every term of reproach : on the other hand, the orthodox Greeks extol him highly, and ascribe mi- raculous efficacy to his relics. (Cave, Hist. Lilt., fol. Oxford, 1740 — 43, vol. ii. Appendix, by Whar- ton and Gery, pp. 54, 55 ; Fabric. Biblioth. Grace. vol. X. pp. 454 — 462, and 790, ed. vet. ; vol. xi, p. 494, &c., ed. Harles ; Oudin, De Scriptorib. Eccles. vol. iii. col. 843. ) [J. C. M.] PALAME'DES (naAo,u7f57j$), a son of Nau- plius and Clymene, the daughter of Atreus (or Catreus, Tzetz. ad Lye. 384), and brother of Oeax. He joined the Greeks in their expedition against Troy ; but Agamemnon, Diomedes, and Odysseus, en-ious of his fame, caused a captive Phrygian to write to Palamedes a letter in the nam^ of Priam, and then induced a servant of Palamedes by bribes to conceal the letter under his master's bed. Here- upon they accused Palamedes of treachery ; they searched his tent, and as they found the letter which they themselves had dictated, they caused him to be stoned to death. When Palamedes was led to death, he exclaimed, " Truth, I lament thee, for thou hast died even before me." (Schol. ad Eur. Orest. 422 ; Philostr. Her. 10 ; Ov. Met. xiii. bQ.) According to some traditions, it was Odys- seus alone who hated and persecuted Palamedes. (H)-gin. Fab. 105 ; Xenoph. Memor. iv. 2. §23, Apolog. § 26.) The cause of this hatred too is not the same in all writers ; for according to some, Odysseus hated him because he had been com- pelled by him to join the Greeks against Troy {'Rygm.Fab. 95 ; Ov. Met. xiii. 58 ; comp. Odys- seus), or because he had been severely censured by Palamedes for returning from a foraging excursion into Thrace with empty hands. (Serv. ad Aeti. ii. 81 ; comp. Philostr. Her. 10.) The manner of Palamedes' death is likewise related differently : some say that Odysseus and Diomedes induced him to descend into a well, where they pretended they had discovered a treasure, and as he was below they cast stones upon him, and killed him (Diet. Ciet. ii. 15) ; others state that he was drowned by them whilst fishing (Pans. x. 31. § 1); and ac- cording to Dares Phrygius (28) he was killed by