Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1163

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TIRIBAZUS. tlie frieze which others assigned to our artist. (Vitruv. I. c.) The Ariemis of Timotheus was esteemed worthy to be placed by the side of the Apollo of Scopas and the Latona of Praxiteles, in the temple which Augustus erected to Apollo on the Palatine (Plin. I.e. §10; the lines of Propertius, describing these statues, are quoted under Scopas, p. 756, b.). The head of this statue, however, was only a restoration by Aulanius Evander. (Plin. I. c.) Pausanias (ii. 32. § 3. s. 4) mentions Timo- theus as the maker of a statue at Troezen, which the Troezenians themselves believed to represent llippolytus, but which he considered to be the statue of Asclepius. Pliny also enumerates Timo- theus among the artists who made athlctas et ar- matos et venatores sacrificantesque {H. N. xxxiv. 8. s. 1 9. § 34). There is no ground for the doubt expressed by Sillig respecting the identity of the Timotheus referred to in all these passages. It is quite true that the artists of the later Attic school of sculpture wrought chiefly in marble ; but there is sufficient evidence that they also practised the art of casting in bronze. [P. S.] TIMO'XENUS (Ti^o'lei/os). 1. The com- mander of the troops of Scione, attempted to betray Potidaea to the Persians in b. c. 480, but his treachery was discovered. (Herod, viii. 128 ; Polyaen. vii. 33. § 1; Aeneas Tact. Poliorcet. p. 31.) 2. Son of Timocrates, was one of the com- manders of the Corinthian force sent to Acarnania inB.c. 431. (Thuc. ii. 33.) 3. The Achaean, was general of the Achaean League in B. c. 223, in which year he obtained possession of Argos, and successfully resisted the efforts of Cleomenes to recover it. In B. c. 221 he was again general of the League ; but in conse- quence of the want of discipline and practice among the Achaean troops, he was unwilling to undertake the command of the war against the Aetolians ; and accordingly a few days before the expiration of the office, he resigned it to Aratus, who was already general elect. He was a candidate for the office again in B.C. 218, and was supported by Aratus, but he was not elected in consequence of the influence of Apelles, the minister of Philip V., who wished to mortify Aratus. He was however general again in b. c. 2 1 6, after the termination of the Social War. (Polvb. ii. 53, iv. 6, 7, 82, v. 106; Plut. Cleom. 20, Arat. 38, 47.) T. TINCA, of Placentia, was celebrated for his wit, but was no match for Granius. (Cic. Brut. 46.) [Granius, No. 1.] TINEIUS CLEMENS, consul under Septi- mius Severus, a. d. 1 95, with Scapula Tertullus. (Dig. 27. tit. 9. s. 1 ; Cod. 9. tit. 1. s. 1.) TINEIUS SACERDOS. [Sacerdos.] TIPHYS ij^vs), a son of Agnius or of Phorbas and Hyrmine, of Siphae or Tiphae in Boeotia, was the helmsman of the ship Argo. (ApoUon. Rhod. i. 105 ; Paus. ix. 32. § 3 ; Apollod. i. 9. § 22 ; Hvgin. Fab. 14 ; Schol. ad Apollon. I.e.) [L. S.] TIRESIAS. [Teiresias.] TIRIBAZUS or TERIBAZUS {Tipi€a^os, TTjpi'gaCos), a Persian, high in the favour of Arta- xerxes II. (Mnemon), and when he was present, so Xenophon tells us, no one else had the honour of helping the sovereign to mount his horse. At the time of the retreat of the 10,000, in B. c. 401, Tiribazus was satrap of Western Armenia, and. TIRIBAZUS. 1151 when the Greeks had reached the river Teleboaa on the frontier of his territory, he himself rode up to their camp and proposed a truce, on condition that both parties should abstain from molesting each other, the Greeks taking only what they needed while in his country. The terms were accepted, but Tiribazus kept Avatching the 10,000 at the distance of several stadia with the intent of assail- ing them in a mountain pass, through which their march necessarily lay. On hearing this, the main body of the Greeks hastened to secure the pass, and, having moreover attacked the camp of Tiri- bazus, put the barbarians to flight, and captured the tent of the satrap himself (Xen. Anab. iv. 4. §§ 4—7, 16—21, 5. § 1, vii. 8. § 25 ; Diod. xiv. 27.) Tiribazus succeeded Tithraustes as satrap of Western Asia, and in this office we find him in B. c. 393, when Antalcidas was sent to negotiate, through him, a peace for Sparta with the Persian king. The satrap was convinced by Antalcidas that it was expedient for Artaxerxes to support the Lacedaemonians, and he accordingly gave them all the help which he could venture to furnish without express authority from his master. We do not know the cause which led to Tiribazus being superseded by Struthas, in b. c, 392 ; but by B. c. 388 he had returned to his satrapy. He then co-operated cordially, as before, with Antalcidas, perhaps accompanied him to the Persian court to support his cause there, and, having summoned, on his return, a congress of deputies from Greek states, he promulgated in the king's name the famous decree which laid down the terms of the peace of Antalcidas (Xen. Hell. iv. 8. §§ 12, &c., V. 1. §§ 6, 25—31 ; Diod. xiv. 85). [Antalci- das ; CoNON ; Struthas.] In b. c. 386 he was appointed to command the Persian fleet against Evagoras, the land forces being entrusted to Oron- tes. They defeated Evagoras, and formed the siege of Salarais ; but Tiribazus was impeached by Oron- tes, and was recalled to court to answer for his conduct, b. c. 385. The accounts of what followed, as given by Diodorus and Plutarch, it is not very easy to reconcile. The former seems to intimate that Tiribazus was detained in prison until the re- turn of Artaxerxes from his expedition against the Cadusii ; while Plutarch tells us that he accom- panied the king in his campaign, and did good service by exciting mutual suspicion against one another in the two Cadusian kings, and so in- ducing them separately to sue for peace. The lan- guage of Plutarch, however, implies that durinjj the expedition in question Tiribazus was in dis- grace, and it appears therefore that his trial did not take place until the king's return. It came on before three judges of the highest reputation, whose sense of impartiality would be also quick- ened by the recollection that some of their pre- decessors had been recently flayed alive for an unjust sentence, and that the judgment-seat was now covered with their skins. Tiribazus tri- umphantly disposed of the charges against him, and was honourably acquitted with the full appro- bation of Artaxerxes, in consideration not only of his innocence in regard to the special charges, "but also of the great services he had rendered to his master. (Diod. xv. 8 — 11 ; Wess. ad loc. ; Plut. Artaa. 24.) [Evagoras ; Gaos ; Orontes.] He now stood higher than ever in the royal favour, and received a promise of the hand of Amestris, the king's daughter. Artaxerxes, however, broke