Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1372

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^mo CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES OF in Liguria. Cn. Scipio carries on the war with success in Spain. L. Cincius Alimentus wrote an account of Hannibal's passage into Italy. Coss. Cn. Servilius Geminus. C. Flaminius II. Occis. e. M. Atilius Regulus II. Did. Q. Fabius Maximus Verrucosus II. Mag. Eg. M. Minucius Ilufus. Did. L. Veturius Philo. Mag. Eg. M. Pomponius Matho. Second year of the second Punic war. Han- nibal marches through the marshes into Etruria, and defeats Flaminius at the battle of the lake Trasimenus. Fabius Maximus elected dictator by the people will not risk a battle. Hannibal marches into Apulia, where he passes the winter. The war continued in Spain. Coss. C. Terentius Varro. L. Aemilius Paullus II. Occis. e. Did. M. Junius Pera. Maff. Eg. Ti. Sempronius Gracchus. Did. sine Mag. Eg. M. Fabius Buteo. Third year of the second Punic war. Great defeat of the Romans at the battle of Cannae, on the 2nd of August. Revolt of Capua and many other cities. The war continued in Spain. Death of Hiero. Coss. Ti. Sempronius Gracchus. L. Postumius Albinus III. Occis. e. M. Claudius Marcellus II. Abd. Q. Fabius Maximus Verrucosus III. Fourth year of the second Punic war. The war begins to turn in favour of the Romans. Marcellus gains a victory over Hannibal near Nola. The Romans con- quer the Carthaginians in Sardinia. Suc- cess of P. and Cn. Scipio in Spain. Treat}-^ of Hannibal with Philip king of Macedon. The sumptuary law of the tribune C. Oppius. Coss. Q. Fabius Maximus Verrucosus IV. M. Claudius Marcellus III. Censs. M. Atilius Regulus. Abd. P. Furius Philus. Mort. e. Fifth year of the second Punic war. Han- nibal in the neighbourhood of Tarentum. Marcellus is sent into Sicily : he besieges Syracuse, but turns the siege into a block- ade. War continued in Spain. Coss. Q. Fabius Maximus. Ti. Sempronius Gracchus II. Did. C. Claudius Centho. Mag. Eg. Q. Fulvius Flaccus. Sixth year of the second Punic war. Han- nibal continues in the neighbourhood of Tarentum. Marcellus continues the siege of Syracuse. Successes of P. and Cn. Scipio in Spain : they think of crossing over to Africa. War between the Romans and Philip. Coss. Q. Fulvius Flaccus III. Ap. Claudius Pulcher. Seventh year of the second Punic war. Hannibal takes Tarentum. Marcellus takes Syracuse. P. and Cn. Scipio de- feated and slain in Spain. Institution of the Ludi Apollinares. Death of Archimedes. B.C. •211 •210 209 208 •207 206 205 204 Coss. Cn. Fulvius Centumalus. P. Sulpicius Galba Maximus. Eighth year of the second Punic war. Han- nibal attempts in vain to raise the siege of Capua. The Romans recover Capua. P. Scipio is sent into Spain towards the end of the summer. The Aetolians desert Philip and conclude a treaty with the Romans. Coss. M. Claudius Marcellus IV. M. Valerius Laevinus. Did. Q. Fulvius Flaccus. Mag. Eg. P. Licinius Crassus Dives. Censs. L. Vctiu-ius Philo. Mort. e. P. Licinius Crassus Dives. Abd. Ninth year of the second Punic war. Han- nibal fights a drawn battle with Marcellus. In Sicily, Laevinus takes Agrigentum. In Spain, Scipio takes Carthago Nova. The citizens at the census are 137,108. Coss. Q. Fulvius Flaccus IV. Q. Fabius Maximus Verrucosus V. Censs. M. Cornelius Cethegus. P. Sempronius Tuditanus. Tenth year of the second Punic war. The consul Fabius recovers Tarentum. In Spain, Scipio gains a victory near Baecula. In this year the number of Roman colo- nies was thirty. Coss. M. Claudius Marcellus V. Occis. e. T. Quinctius (Pennus Capitolinus) Crispinus. Mort. e. Did. T. Manlius Torquatus. Mag. Eg. C. Servilius. Eleventh year of the second Punic war. The two consuls defeated by Hannibal near Venusia ; Marcellus is slain Continued success of Scipio in Spain. Hasdrubal crosses the Pyrenees and winters in Gaul. Coss. C. Claudius Nero. M. Livius Salinator II. Did. M. Livius Salinator. Mag. Eg. Q. Caecilius Metellus. Twelfth year of the second Punic war. Has- drubal crosses the Alps and marches into Italy ; is defeated on the Metaurus and slain. The Romans carry on the war in Greece against Philip : they take Oreum in Euboea. Continued success of Scipio in Spain. Livius Andronicus was probably still alive in this year. Coss. L. Veturius Philo. Q. Caecilius Metellus. Thirteenth year of the second Punic war. The consuls march into Bruttii. Hannibal remains inactive. Scipio becomes master of Spain ; he crosses over into Africa and makes a league with Syphax. Coss. P. Cornelius Scipio (Africanus). P. Licinius Crassus Dives. Did. Q. Caecilius Metellus. Mag. Eg. L. Veturius Philo. Fourteenth year of the second Punic war. The war continued in Bruttii. Scipio crosses over into Sicily, where he passes the winter. Peace concluded between Rome and Philip. Coss. M. Cornelius Cethearus. P. Sempronius Tuditanus.