Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1406

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1S.Q4 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES OF whole of Lom'bardy, he recrosses the Alps. Death of Torismond and accession of Theo doric II. Leo, bishop of Rome, was sent as am- bassador to Attila. Coss. Vincomalus. Opilio. Valentiniani III. 29: Marciani 4. — Death of Attila and dispersion of his army. Death of Pulcheria. Coss. Aetius. Studius. Valentiniani III. 30 : Marciani 5. — Aetius is slain by Valentinian, Coss. Imp. Fl. Placid. Valentinianus (III.) Aug. VIII. Procopius Anthemius qui postea Imp. Aug. app. e. Marciani 6. — Valentinian is slain in March by Petronius Maximus, whose wife he had violated. Maximus is proclaimed emperor of the West, but is slain in July, when Genseric was approaching Rome. Genseric takes and plunders Rome. AviTUS is proclaimed in Gaul emperor of the West, in July, through the means of Theodoric II., king of the Goths. Leo intercedes with Genseric. Coss. Varanes. Joannes. Marciani 7. — Theodoric invades Spain, con- quers the Suevi, and kills their king Re- chiarius. Ricimer, the commander of Avitus, gains a naval victory over Gen- seric. Avitus is deposed by means of Ri- cimer. Sidonius Apollinaris, the son-in-law of Avitus, writes his Pane^yricus Avito. Coss. FL Constantinus. Rufus. Leonis 1 : Majoriani 1 . — Death of Marcian at the beginning of the year. Leo I., emperor of the East, is raised to the empire by Aspar. Majorian, emperor of the West, is raised to the empire by Ricimer. Coss. Imp. Fl. Leo (I.) Aug. Imp. Jul. Majorianus Aug. Leonis 2 : Majoriani 2. — The Vandals land in Africa and are defeated. Naval pre- parations of Majorian against the Van- dals. Majorian crosses the Alps in the winter, in order to settle the affairs of Gaul before invading Africa. Earthquake at Antioch. Accession of Firoze, or Pe- reses, as a king of Persia. Sidonius Apollinaris addresses his Pane- gyricm Majoriano. Coss. Patricius. Fl. Ricimer. Leonis 3 : Majoriani 3. — Majorian defeats Theodoric II., king of the Goths ; peace is concluded between Majorian and Theo- doric. Coss. Magnus. ApoUonius. Leonis 4: Majoriani 4. — Majorian marches into Spain, intending to pass over into Africa ; but his lleet is completely de- 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 stroyed by the Vandals at Carthagena. Majorian concludes a treaty with Gen- seric ; he returns to Gaul and winters there. Coss. Severinus. Leonis 5 : Majoriani 5. — Majorian returns to Italy where he is deposed and put to death by order of Ricimer, who raises Libius Severus to the empire. Severus, emperor of the West. Coss. Imp. Fl. Leo (I.) Aug. II. Imp. Lib. Severus Aug. Leonis 6 : Severi 2. — Genseric renews the war and ravages Italy. Theodoric II. renews the war in Gaul, and obtains pos- session of Narbo. Coss. Fl. Caecina Basilius. Vivianus. Leonis 7 : Severi 3. — Theodoric II. attempts to obtain possession of the whole of the Roman dominion in Gaul, but is defeated by Aegidius. Theodoric rules over the greater part of Spain, Coss. Rusticus. Fl. Anicius Olybrius. Leonis 8 : Severi 4. — Death of Aegidius. Coss. Fl. Basiliscus. Herminericus s. Arminericus. Leonis 9. — Death of Severus. No emperor of the West is appointed for this and the following year : Ricimer keeps the power in his own hands. Coss. Imp. Fl. Leo (I.) Aug. III. (Tatianus.) Leonis 10. — Theodoric II. is slain by his brother Euric, who succeeds him. Coss. Pusaeus. Joannes. Leonis 11 : Anthemii 1. — Ricimer applies to Leo to appoint an emperor of the West : Leo appoints Procopius Anthemius. Anthemius, emperor of the West. He gives his daughter In marriage to Ricimer. Sidonius Apollinaris comes to Rome. Coss. Imp. Proc. Anthemius Aug. II. sine conlega. Leonis 12: Anthemii 2. — War with Gen- seric. The Roman forces land in Africa, but the expedition fails through the miscon- duct of Basiliscus. Sidonius Apollinaris writes his Pane- gyricus Antkvmio bis Consult. Coss. Fl. Marcianus. Fl. Zeno (qui postea Imp. Caes. Aug. app. est.) Leonis 1 3 : Anthemii 3. — Zeno, the Isaurian, afterwards the emperor, marries Ariadne, the daughter of Leo. This excites the jealousy of the powerful minister Aspar. Coss. Jordanes. Severus. Leonis 14 : Anthemii 4. — Euric, king of the Visigoths, takes Arelate and Massilia, and defeats the Britons, who had come to the assistance of the provincials. Coss. Imp. Fl. Leo (I.) Aug. IV. Anicius Probianus. Leonis 15 : Anthemii 5. — Aspar is slain by order of Leo.