Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1407

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ROMAN PIISTORY. 1395 A.D 472 473 474 Coss. Festus. Marcianus. Leonis 16. — War between Ricimer and An- themius. Ricimer appoints Anicius Oly- BRius emperor, and lays siege to Rome, which he takes by storm, in July: Anthe- mius perishes in the assault. Both Ricimer and Olybrius die later in the year. Coss. Imp. Leo (I.) Aug. V. sine conlega. Leonis 17. — Leo associates with him in the empire his grandson Leo. Glycerius is proclaimed emperor in the West. Coss. Imp, Leo. (II.) Aug, sine conlega. Death of Leo I. and accession of Leo II. The latter associates his father with him in the empire, Leo II. dies towards the end of the year, and is succeeded by Zeno. Glycerius is deposed and Julius Nepos appointed emperor of the West A.D, 475 476 Coss. Imp. Zeno Aug. II. sine conlega. Zenonis 2. — Julius Nepos is deposed by Orestes, who makes his own son Romulus AuGusTULus emperor of the West. Coss. Fl. Basiliscus II. Armatus. Zenonis 3. — The barbarians invade Italy under Odoacer. Orestes is defeated and slain. Romulus Augustulus is deposed. Odoacer is acknowledged as king of Italy. End op the Western Empire. The preceding Chronological Tables have been drawn up chiefly from the Fasti Hel- lenici and Fasti Romani of Mr. Clinton ; from the Griechische and Romische Zeittafeln by Fischer and Soetbeer, and from the Annales I Veterum Regnorum et Populorum by Zumpt. LIST OF THE GENEALOGICAL TABLES. I. GREEK FAMILIES. Alcmaeonidae Aleuadae - Cimon and Miltiades Hippocrates Plato Vol. I. I. I. II. II. IL GREEK KINGS. Antigonidae Seleucidae - I. III. in. JEWISH KINGS. Herod II. Maccabaei- - - - - IL IV. ROMAN FAMILIES. Aemilii Lepidi Pauli Antonii Caecilii Metelli - Calpumii Pisones Cassii Longini - Claudii (patricians) Marcelli Comelii Lentuli Scipiones SuUae - Domitii Ahenobarbi II. III. I. IL IIL IL I. IL II. IIL IIL I. 105 110 749 482 274 186 769 424 543 762 154 213 1056 371 798 766 927 729 740 934 Julii Caesares Junii Silani Laelii Licinii Crassi Luculli - Livii Drusi Manlii Torquati Octavii Papirii Carbones - Pompeii - Porcii Catones - Servilii Caepiones Tullii Cicerones - V. ROMAN EMPERORS. Antoninus Pius - - - - I. 210 Augustus ----- I. 430 M. Aiurelius - - - - I. 439 Caracalla L 607 Claudius IIL 7 Constantine - - - - I. 831 Didius Julianus - - - - IL 653 Nero I. 84 Tiberius L 1076 Vol. Pu^o I. 536 IIL 820 IL 704 I. 872 IL 831 I. 1076 IIL 1163 III. 7 I. 610 IIL 475 I. 635 L 533 I. 707 VL BYZANTINE FAMILIES. Cantacuzeni Comneni - Palaeologi - I. I. IIL 4 u2 595 820 87