Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/987

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TAR ATI A. 3. A son of Amphion and Niobe. (Apollod. iii. 5. §6; Ov. Met. vi. 240.) [L. S.] TA'NTALUS, the name of the general who succeeded Viriathus and who shortly afterwards submitted to Caepio. He is called Tantamus by Diodorus (Appian, Hisp. 16 ; Diod. Ed. xxxii. vol. ii. p. 524, ed, Wess.) L. TANTA'SIUS, slain by Catiline in the times of Sulla. (Ascon. in Cic. Tog. Cand. p. 84, ed. Orelli.) TANU'SII, people of property proscribed by Sulla. (Q. Cic. de Pet. Cons. 2.) TANU'SIUS GF/MINUS. [Geminus.] TANYOXARCES. [Smerdis.] TA'PHIUS {Tdcpios), a son of Poseidon and Hippothoe, was the father of Pterelaus. He led a colony to Taphos, and called the inhabitants Tele- boans. (Apollod. ii. 4. § 5.) [L. S.] TAPPO, VALE'RIUS. 1. L. Valerius Tappo, praetor b. c. 192, obtained Sicily as his province. He was one of the triumvirs in b. c. 190 for settling new colonists at Placeutia and Cremona in northern Italy. (Liv. xxxv. 10, 20, xxxvii. 46.) 2. C. Valerius Tappo, tribune of the plebs, P, 0. 188, proposed that the suffrage should be given to the Formiani, Fundani and Arpinates. (Liv. xxxviii. 36.) TA'PPULUS, VFLLTUS. 1. L. Villius Tappulus, plebeian aedile, B.C. 213. (Liv. xxv. 2.) 2. P. Villius Tappulus, plebeian aedile, b. c. 204, and praetor b. c. 203, with Sicily as his pro- vince. In B. c. 201, he was one of the decemviri for assigning some of the public land in Samnium and Apulia to the soldiers who had served under P. Scipio in Africa, and in B. c. 199 he was consul with L. Cornelius Lentulus. In his consulship he had the conduct of the war against Philip in Macedonia, but he performed nothing of im- portance. In the following year he served as legatus imder his successor T. Quintius Flamininus, and on the conquest of Philip in B. c. 196, he was one of the ten commissioners appointed by the senate to determine with Flamininus upon the con- ditions of the peace. After concluding the peace with Philip, Tappulus and one of his colleagues went on a mission to Antiochus in Asia. In a. c, 193 he was again sent to Antiochus, and in the following year was also one of the ambassadors sent to Greece. (Liv. xxix. 38, xxx. 1, xxxi. 4, 49, xxxii. 3, 6, 28, xxxiii. 24, 35, 39, 40, xxxiv. 59, xxxv. 13—15, 23, 39.) 3. L. Villius Tappulus, praetor b. c. 19.9, obtained Sardinia as his piovince. (Liv. xxxi. 49, xxxii. 1.) TA'RACUS.^ [Sabacon.] TARANTUS, a nickname bestowed on Cara^ I alia, after his death, from a gladiator of diminu- tive stature and repulsive aspect. It is first men- tioned by Dion Cassius in the ninth chapter of his seventy-eighth book, and in the subsequent por- tions of his history he uniformly designates the son of Severus by this appellation. [W. R.] TARAS (To/)as), a son of Poseidon by a nymph, is said to have traversed the sea from the promon- tory of Taenarum to the south of Italy, riding on a dolphin, and to have founded Tarentum in Italy (Pans. X. 10. § 4, 13. § 5), where he was wor- sliipped as a hero. (Strab. vi. p. 279.) [L. S.] TARA'TIA, CAIA, a Vestal Virgin, who is to have given the campus Tiberinus to the

TARGITAUS. 975 Roman people, and to whom, on that accourt, a statue was erected. (Plin. //. N. xxxiv. 6. s. 11. J TARAXIPPUS (TapciliTTTTos), wasthenameof a particular spot in the race-course at Olympia, where horses often became shy and frightened. Super- stition was not at a loss to account for this pheno- menon, for some said that on that spot Olenius or Dameon had been slain by Cteatus, or because it was the burial-place of Myrtilus (who had fright- ened the horses of Oenomaus), Alcathous, or Pelops. Pausanias, however, considers Taraxippus to be a surname of Poseidon Hippius. On the isthmus of Corinth, Glaucus, the son of Sisyphus, was be- lieved to be a Taraxippus. (Paus. vi. 20. § 8, &c.; comp. X. 37. §4.) [L. S.] TARCHE'SIUS, an architectural writer, whom Vitruvius mentions as one of those who maintained that the proportions of the Doric order were un- suitable to temples. He attributes the same opinion to Pytheus and Hermogenes. (Vitruv. iv. 3.§1). [P.S.] TARCHE'TIUS {Tapxhnos), a mythical king of Alba, who in some traditions is connected with the founders of Rome. Once a phallus was seen rising above one of his flocks. In compliance with an oracle he ordered one of his daughters to ap- proach the phallus ; but she sent one of her maid servants, who became pregnant, and gave birth to the twins Romulus and Remus. Tarchetius caused them to be exposed, but they were suckled by a she- wolf and brought up by a shepherd, and when they had grown up to manhood they dethroned Tarchetius. (Plut. flomw/. 2.) [L. SJ TARCHON. [Tyrrhenus.] TARCONDI'MOTUS (TapKov^l^oros), the king of Cilicia, fought on Pompey's side against Caesar, in b. c. 48, but was pardoned by Caesar, and allowed to retain his dominions. After the death of Caesar he joined C. Cassius, and sub- sequently espoused the side of Antony against Octavian. He was killed in a sea-fight in b. c. 31, while fighting under Sosius against M. Agrippa. His name is variously written in the ancient au- thors, but we learn from coins that T^ircondimotus is the correct form (Dion Cass. xli. 63, xlvii. 26, 1. 14 ; Strab. xiv. p. 676 ; Cic. ad Fam. xv. 1 ; Flor. iv. 2. § 5 ; Plut. Ant. 61.) The sons of Tar- condimotus deserted Antony after the battle of Actium, and united themselves to Octavian ; but Philopator, who had succeeded his father, was de- prived by Octavian of the part of Cappadocian Pontus, which he held. In B. c. 20, however, Tar- condimotus, one of the sons, received from Octavian all the possessions of his father, with the exception of a few places on the coast. (Dion Cass. Ii. 2, 7, liv. 9.) COIN OP TARCONDIMOTUS. TARGITAUS {Tapy'iTaos), a son of Zeus by a daughter of Borysthenes, was believed to be the