Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography Volume I Part 1.djvu/351

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Leake conjectures that its territory as one of the

twelve cities may hare occupied the aonthem end of the inland country, on the supposition that the territory of Sphettns occupied the northem half of this district. Ross however conjecture, from a pas- sage of Paussnias (yi. 22. § 7), that Cytherus may have been near Gargettus. Pausanias states that the nymphs of the river Cytherus in Elis were called lonides from Ion, the sod of Gargettus, when he migrated from Adiens to Elis.

(The best works oa the demi are by Leake, The JDani of AtticOy London, 1841, 2nd ed., and Boss, Die Demen wm Attiia, Halle, 1846; from both of >rhich great assistance has been derived m drawing Up the preceding account. Tlie other most import- ant works upon the topography of Attica are Grote- fend, De Demis tive Pagie AtUcae, GStt. 1829;

Finlay, in Tratuactume of the Royal Society of
Literature^ vol. iiL p. 396, seq., and Remarkt on

the Topography of Oropia and DiaoricL, 12mo. Athens, 1838; K. O. Hiilier, art Attika^ in Ersch and GrUber's EncyclopSdie^ vol. vi., tianfllated by Lockhart, London, 1842; Wordsworth, Alhena aind Attica^ London, 1836; Kruse, HeUaSy vol. ii.; Leake, Northem Greece^ vol. ii.; Stuart's Anti- quities; and the Travels of Dodwell, Gell, Briinsted, Fiedler, and Mure.)

In the following alphabetical list of the demi, the first column contains the name of each demus; the second that of the demotes; the tliird that of the tribe to which each demus belonged during the time of tiie ten tribes; and the fourth that of the tribe when there were twelve or thirteen tribes. Of the demi in this list, which have not been spoken of

above, the site is unknown.

E. Alphabetical List of the Demi.

1. •AYTfA^ 'ATTtX^^K, ^AyytKtif Pandionis Pandionis. 2,3. 'Aytcvkfi Ka0vir9pOt¥ and

  • AyKvri$fVj

Aegeis Aegeis. jhr^cp0cr. ^AyKv€6s t 4. 'A-yroSf , *Ayvovs

  • Ayvo(Mrun

Acamantis DemetriaSi AtUlis. [*A7/)i<£8ai 'AypidJIhis Hippothoontis.] 5,6.|

  • A7poiA^) jcotfvwep^r V

and iv4y€p69r, J ^Aypv*^s y Erechtheis Attalis. 7. •AfoWa 'A^ijMcvf, 'ACriyiS$fy Hippothoontis Hippothoontis. 8. ^ASfu^oP (;A$fun^ia) AiytXia (Af/tAos) ^Ae/iovtis Cecropis Attalis. 9. AhyiKit^f Antiochis Antiodiis. 10. A10aAi3a«  AieoMhit Leontis Antigonis(?) 11. Ai^otril Al^vytis Cecropis Cecropis. 12. 'AAa2 Al^wlSts 'AAotc^f Cecro{Ms Cecropis. 13.

  • AXal *Apa^Wffcs

'AAcuf^r Aegeis Aegeis. 14. 'AXt^Mfwa 'AAc{ay8p«^T Acamantis Acamantb. 15. 'AXi/u»vf 'AifMwrtos Leontis Leontis. 16. 'AAmtck^ ^AXwrtKriBty, 'AAanrcir«c<;s Antiochis Antiochis. 17. 'A/ia{arr«ia

  • A/Aa|ai>Tci«uT,

Hippothoontis Hippothoontis. 18.

  • Af(^iTpo«4

^Att^npowridtP Antiochis. 19. 'Aj'cryvfwOf ^Arayupdfftos Erechtheis Erechtheis. 20. 'Amucaia 'Aycuroicvi Hippothoontis Hippothoontis. 21. ^Aydpkvaros ^Aya^ucrrior Antiochis Antiochis. 22. 'AiroAAMWa 'AiroAAM'tc^f Attalis. 23.

  • Apailffiy

'Apa^vioi Aegeis Aegeis. 24. •AT^ni 'AniKf^ Antiochis Attalis. 26. "A^ra

  • A^tBpa!ds

Aeantis, Leontis Pt4>lemaifl, Hadrianis. 27.

  • Axapval

'AxopycvT Oeneis Oen«is. 28. 'Ax«pSovf (*Axy»8ovf *

  • Axfp^ovaios

Hippothoontis 29. Bar^$tp Aegeis. 30. BfpfructSflu Btpwucihis Ptolemais. 31. Bq<ra Bi)<rcuci6T Antiochis Hadrianis. 32. Bou^ioi Bott&rios 33. Bovrddris Oeneis Aegeis (?) 34. rafryriTr6s Tapyfirrtos Oeneis (?) Aegeis. 35. rpaia Tpatis Pandionis. 36. Acu8aid«  AotSoAlSffS Cecropis Cecropis. 37. Afip<(8cT AtipaZuinis Leontis Leontis. 38. AcaeAcia A«fc<Aci;f, AcKcAcc^s Hippothoontis Hadrianis. 39. AtS/i€ia Aioficvs, AlO/ACf^t, Aiofiettvs Aegeis Aegeis.