Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography Volume I Part 1.djvu/616

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fi9S CHALCIDICE. to the Chalcidisns. W« find tlie Bottiwd Joiiuid, tc two occi^ona, with the Chalddiuia u allio (Thac. i. 65, ii. 19), ud one of their silrer cam with the leget^ Barriaivr is prflciaelj einular, both in tjpe and Sahdc, to thosa rt Che Chalddiuig, impreaoed with the hesd of ApoUa and fail Ijn (camp. Eckhcl, voL ii. p. ;o). At t)» ioitigUioD of Peidiccaa, the Chalcidiam made iru- apOD the Athraions who hetd Fotidu* and other towoa in their neigUraiuhoad, wd neie EUcctssTul tn more than ooe eDgigament (Thnc ii. ;9> Braaidu wu indebted lo their cb- tferation lor liii firet iDCoesus (Thnc ir. 83), utd it was to his eip«diti«i ii^ Thnc« that tiit Chal- cidian repuhlics owed their final iodepeadeoce. (That If. 18.) After the Poiopomiesiaii war, in EonseqiieiiM of the eampUinti of tho ApoUoniana of Cbakidics and Acanthians, the Lacedaemoniana wot ■u lumj against Ol^'nlhoa, which, afler losing two id its commandus, anceeaded in the 4th campaifii (b. q. 379) in ledncing Iha citf to BabausBion (Sen. BtB. i. 8), The biMoi? of Chalcidice, after the mpremaoT 'liJch Oljothtu obtained over its other towns, foUawi the fodaiKS of that city. [OLTI^HUa.1 Ptolemj (I e.) dlridea Ibe whole jieniniata into two parts, Chalcidiee and Paralia (for so the word which a]fKus as Paiaua in the printed cojaea ■hould be read). Paralia eontained all the ma- ritime cmmtrr between the bay of Tbeasalonica, and Detriii!!, the Cape of Sithonia : thus (he W. coast of Kthoma w« at that time incloded in Paralia and the E. ia Chakidica, together with Acanthus, the entire pemnsula of Acte, and all the CtMst Und in the Strjmoruc golf as far N. as Bro- taiBCQS, nith the eiceptiun of Sta^ira. An account of the dtSerenI Cfaalcidian towns Kill be found nndci the eeparate heads ; begiaiui^ friau the W. thej bis Akneia near the cape, which marks the entrance (f the inner Thermaio ffulf, Giacmtw, AtJTiooMElA and PortDAEA. Betvreen 'le teniloi; called Ciumsaba. In « towns of SaxB, Uendb, Sciohe, Therambos, Aboe, Nbapous, Afhitis, either vhollr or partlj cohnies fnui Eretria. In Sithonia ware UKCYSEiU^i^ SERHri.B, GAU^FaUS, TOBOMR, Sabtb, Smous, Pii-oBUa, Aissa, all or of them of Chaludian origin. At the ha the Tcronuc gulf ia the loteriDC of Chalcidic OlYNTHUS, ApOLLONIA, ScOLUB, SpABTOLUa, AiKiEiA, MiAooBUa or MiLCOBUS. On the 8 spaces, admitted b; the mauntun lidge which ends in Athoe, were plsiitad aoroe Thranan and Felasgic lettlements of the same inhabitants as tboae ' occupied Lemnot and Lubroa, with a mistuie few Chaicidians, while the inhabitants epoke both Pelasgic and Hellenic. [Athos.] Near the n iaibmus which juns thii promoDtOTj to Thrace, and along the NW. c«at of tbe Suymoolc gulf were the oonaMleiable tomu id Sahs, Acakiuvs, Siaoioba IS lay the en the t( CHALCIS. and Aboildb, all oohnuea fron Andna, to which may be added SnuTOincE, BbokucCS, and Ask- TBtWA. (Grote, HiiL of Grtct, Tol. It. p. 31 ; Leake, Trae. ia Norlitm Grtect, ToL iii. ; GiinB- bacb, Aeuot, t^ u. pp. 6—16.) [E. B. J.] CHALCrDlCE,adirtiiMof Sjria. [CKALCia,] CHALCIS, inSjria. I. Tbe chief citj of Chal- cidice, one of the ten political disinoos of N. SjnM. (Ptol. V. tS.) It was aitaated 53 H. P. fmm Antiocfa (i'eiitrai.)and 18 M.P. ftom Beroea (^•toia./lii.). The Feuth«ei Tables make it onl to be as U.F. from the latter place, while Prooopiua (B. P. il IS) girea the distance as 84 stadia. Both theae autemsils are incorreot, as fnaurin is aboot 13 English nilea from Aleppo (Pococke, Trao. toL iu p. 2; AbiS-1- f^da, ra& ^. p. 1 19.) The Hamath Zobafa wbkh was taken by Sokmuo (3 Ctron- viiL 3) has beat identiSed with Chakia CRcsenmlUler, Bamdbudi der BibL .dit vol. L pt. ii. p. 250), and the " salt vala" whete David conquered Hadadeur ki[« of Zobab, when he wmt to recover his border on the Enphiatea, is in all {fobabilily the lake and marsh of Jabil or Sabathah, which in winter oocnjaes a space to the E. of JCisnuria, extending for about IS milea, with a breadth varying from 3 to S miles. The pcwerfnl evaporstion of the summer heat causes it to crya- taUiie, and a white iiosise.gniined salt is formed in larj^ quantities over the whole aoriaciki (Ch«ney, Exped. fupirnt. vol L p. 415; Thomson, ftiluLl. Sacr. ydL v. p. 470 ; comp. WTuter, Sad WorL Budt, t.v.Aram.} In A. :>. 543 the town of Chalcis was taken and plnndend by Choenei (Prooqi. I.e.; Gibbon. J>bcI. and Fall, vol. viiL p. 31S{ Le Bean, Bai Empirt, vol. U. f. 34; conip. vol. iii. p. 54). 3. Ad Bblun. PUny (v. 33. S 19) speaks <^ a city ef this name in the district Chalcjdme, wlidi he describee as the most fertile of all Syria. The Chalds, XaMtfi of Strabo (itL p. 753), was a ci^ and district snbjeet to Ptolemy, sou of Mennaeua, who held besides the city of Hkuopolih (fdaUec), the plain of Mareyas, and the moontam f^ion of Ilunea. Joaephus eiprcssly deadibes it as under Mount Lebanon (_Anliq. liv. 7. § 4, B. J. L 9. § 3). It has been confounded with the Chalds S. of Aleppo, hut the itatemeut of Jcaephus (comp. Aaliq. liv. 3. g 3; Belaud, Palaeit p. 315) sbowa that iU po- sition tonat be sought fbr elsewken. Ftdemy was SDCceeded by his aou the first Lyaanias; whose poa- Bessicais after his murder by Antraiy wen &naed by Z«iodorus. (Joseidi. .ixti;. IV. 10. g 1, B.J. LSU g 4.) In A. D. 41 Claudius bestowed Chalcia on Herod, a brother of the eider Herod Agrippa. On his death in a.d. 43 his kingdom went to his naphew, the younger Herod Agrippa (B.J. ii. 13. § !> Ha held it four yeais, and was tbeo transferred with the title of kmg to the provinm of BBtanaea,Trachomiit, Abilene, anflothsre(^fitij.ii. 7. g 1). Aflerwanls Aristobtdus, son of Herod, king of Chalcia, obtained his father's kingdom wiiich had been taken Irnn his coosin Agrippa 11., and in A, D. 73 was still dynast of the district (B. J. rii. 7. § 1). During the rdgn of Domitian it appears to have become iucorporattd in the Roman province, and the dty to have recdved the additional name of Plavia. (Eckhel, vol. iii. p. 263 ; Marquardt,ffand&<icA tier AAo. Xfter.p. 1 8 1 ; Noris. de EpotA. Ssra-Mac. <c. it § 3.) The town of Chslcis was tfaeiefoie situated sone- where in the £^'a, probably S. of Baaibtc. The valley has not yet been examined with rderence to the site of this city. It has been suggested that iU peeitioD may be at or near ZaMa, in the neighbour-