Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography Volume I Part 1.djvu/715

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OOSSAEL ' COSSAEI (KiwroMi), ft njlika tribt inbaUtuig ■ moonlunaiu diitrict called CotSM* (Komraia), en ths borden vl Surivu to the S., end of McdU HaKTUi to ttan N. Thej wm ■ hill tribe, and nan Mfined with bows uid ainrtn. Their lajnd *u Meril« and iminidactiva, lod thej lived the lift of iubbsn. Etnbd (iL p. 74i) apwka of them u coo- ■tanUr at nr nith tbgir udghbonn, and tatifin to their paim *hco be ufi that thej Hnt 18,000 men to asiut the Elfmaei ia a war agaiuet tha people of Babjloiia and Susiaiia. Aleiandei led hie fonee againflt them and subdued them, at leoat for a lime. (Diod.sTiL 111.) The Per^aa Idnga bad nem been able to redoce then, but bad beea in the habit n! paying Onm a tribote, when they mored their ooort anntuUj from Ecbatana to Babylon, tc pass their winter at tba latter plaea. (Strab. li. p. S34.} In character, tbe; afon to have leeemblad the BaOtiari trihea, who now roam over the eame mountatas which the; fonoerlj occu{aed. There is ■ome varietj in the oithr^^^j cf ihnr name in ■Ddent anthon. PUn; ( m^ b* oooDected with the maiera [V.] COSSINl (Kirmm). According to a fiaginant of AiiemidsrTU, cited tyj Sta[dianDi (i. e. 'drrl- aitM), tha Oatiooea ware a people on the Waatcm Ooaam, who were alao called Cceaini b^ Artatnidoma, birt Oitiaei bj PTlheaa. It aeemg probable, that thae OatioDea or Ostiaei aie the Oeiimii of Caeaar. (_B. G. iL 34.) Walckenier, who is ingenione on loch obEon nanee, docs not admit that tboe Coe- imi are the same *a tba Oatiaei, but he asanmes them to be a neighboaiing triba at the western ex- tiemitf of Brelagne. Then is a place Cotmm or Couanem near Brat. [0. L.] COSSINITES (KMOirfmi), a Thracian river, flowing probabi J bj tha town of Ccmaintafl, and amp- ^ringilaelf into the Aegean. ( n A it. 29; Itin.Ant.p.331.) [L. S.] COSSIO »t COSSniH CK^trw). a town of the Vaaalo, a people in Gallia on the Gainmna, above Bnrdigaia {Bot^ma). The Viutea cf Ptolemy <iL 7), and the Vocatea of Caeaar (& Q. iii, ST), u alao perhapa (ha BaBabocatea of Phnf (iv. 19^ nnleas tha name indicates two ccmtenninona peopka. The latter part of Plinj'a name ia dearly Vocates, and the fonner part (Basa) happens to be the mo- dem name of Cwsio, which Is Batai, in the depart- ment of ^Hvn^ The diocese of Batat probably Gorreapcflida to the tamtoiy of the Vaaatca. Walcke- aaifiiogr. 4c, vol. L p. 302) conjectures, that aa the GarouDe cata this ^oosse into two parta, the soolhem part waa the eonntry of tha Va»tes, and tbe nortbam pirt between the Garonne and the Dt/r- doffoe waa the oonntiy of the Vocatos. In the Antonina Itin., Ckesio, named Vaaataa," is im the road ima Bonieaux ioww, and 37) M. P. fixim Bordams. 1 VasatcB Docors in Amonius (Id. ii. 4), who sajs that hia family waa from this place, though aeltled at Burdigala. In another passage (i'arenJ. ixiv. 8) ha spsks of " Cceaio Vasatnm." Ammianns Mar calUnus (it. II) has the name Viaalae. Baau L in a dry Band J country. There is a description of tli place by Sidooius Apoll. (Lib. viti. Ep.l2). [G.L.] COSSOANUS (Ko(F<r.iar«, Arrian. Indie. 4% <Dt of the many tributaiies cf the Ganges, re- COTIAEUM. 69T eordad bf Arrian. It ia jvobaUy the same u that Pliny (vi. IS. s. 23) oUls Oouoagna. It has bean craijectured that it is the aame ai that now called Coai or Ccea. [V.] COSSCRA, COSSYRA, a COSTRA (lUff- ■ufB, Strab. ! Kiampa, Ptol. iv. 3. §37; IUob. . I, ScyL p.50. g 110: Elh. Coesnrei^: Pw- Idlaria), a small island in tha Uediternmean Sik, about half way betweoi Sdly and the tout of Africa. (Strab. iL p. 123 ; Piin. ilL 8. a. 14 j Hel. ii. 7. g IB.) Scylai, the carijaat author by whom it is menticoed, says it waa cue day's vc^aga fmn tba Hermaean Proncntoi; in Africa. Strabo nckoni Lboat 88 miles from Lilylaeum, and the same ance &om Clypes, ca the costt of Africa (vi. p. 277) : but in another puaaga (ivii. p 884) ha ibes it as directly oppoaita to Selinna co tha of Salj, and dtstant firom thence aboat 600 stadia, which ia ahncst eiactly correct. lie real distance from the nearest point aC AAica does not, however, eiceed 38 geog. miles. The distances given in the Maritima Itinerary (p. fiI7) are alto- gether emoeons. Strabo adds that it contsiiied a town of the same mme, and waa 1 SO stadia in dr- mnch below the truth : according to Capt. Smyth it is about 30 miles in Ovid speaks of it as a barren isUnd, and it with its more fertile ndghbour Helita (FaM. iii. £67), and SiUna Italicns cails it "parva Ccssyra' (liv. 272) It naturally Ibll hi arly into the handa of the Carthaginians : from it was taken by the Ronan consuls U. Aa- snd Ser. Folvins in the Fint Punic War, a , at which (strangely enough) was thought worthy to be mentioned in the trium[^ Fasti though tha Carthaginians recovered paeaeesion uf it the next year, (ifcoar. viiL 14; Fast. Ca[jt,) The island of Pantdlaria is in modem tunee a dependency of Scily, and cootaina about SOOO in- iiabitanta : it ia wholly of Tokanic origin, and ia tolerably fertile, ispecially in fruit and vinca. (SmylWs S!c:is, p. 28L) , ^ [E. H. B.] COSTOBaCI {KavrrtHiCBi, PtoL iii S. S 91 ; '., , KoTTDiyCaMj, Dion Caaa. biL 12; C«t<£occi, Plin. vL7; Costobocae, Amm. Marc iiii. B. §42; Coetobod, Capilohn. M. AiUoniH. c 22), a people of Dacia, prolably belonging to the Weudish Btook (Schafitrik, alavitche AlterlAum, lol. L p 122). Thear position has been K ' TtehermgoiB.^^ . /' i ' ' ' COTES PBOM. [Am^LD COTHON. [Carthaoo.] COTIAEUU (Kn-idauiv: Eli. Ktrrimit: Xu- tahigah). Tha name is written Cotyaeum (Kn- Tulfiar) in the tut of Strabo (p 676), but the epigraph on the coins is said to be always Kimafeii'. It was on the Roman road tium Dorylaaum (EiH- Shehr) to Philadelpbia (AUai^SiH^). and in Phry- gia Epictetos, accsding to Strabo. It is mentined by Fliny (v. 3S). KiHiMfalt u Auertnum, loI. l p 12XJ. longht in Ite district of ■' 'l^..-,^rB-B.j.i^.