Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 51.djvu/160

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turned to Scotland, and once more became the king's favourite. He formed one of the band of noblemen despatched to Denmark to arrange for the marriage of James VI with Anne of Denmark in 1589, and was present at the wedding ceremony in Opsloe, near Christiania, Norway. Scrymgeour was knighted for his services. After the death of James Haliburton (friend of the regent Moray) in 1588, Scrymgeour became provost of Dundee, and was afterwards twice reinstated in that office by the direct command of the king. He sat as a minor baron in four conventions (1594–1604), and represented Dundee in the parliaments of 1600 and 1605 and Forfarshire in those of 1605 and 1607. He was subsequently appointed one of the commissioners from Scotland to confer as to the union of the crowns, and seems to have enjoyed the full confidence of the king in this matter. His formal return as heir to the constableship was not made till 15 Dec. 1610, with the purpose of having his son's right to the office rendered indisputable. He was twice married: first, to Margaret, daughter of Sir Robert Carnegie of Kinnaird, who died childless; and, secondly, to Dame Magdalen Livingstone, widow of Sir Alexander Erskine of Gogar, who survived him and was mother of John (see below) (see Scottish Review, xxii. 350–1). Scrymgeour died at Holyrood on 13 July 1612.

He was succeeded by his son, John Scrymgeour, Viscount Dudhope (d. 1643). John did not take a leading part in politics. He represented Forfarshire in the parliaments of 1612, 1617, and 1621, and Argyllshire from 1628 till 1633. He was one of the Forfarshire barons that met James VI at Kinnaird when that monarch revisited Scotland in 1617. On 15 Nov. 1641 he was created Viscount Dudhope and Lord Scrymgeour by Charles I when in Scotland. By his marriage with Margaret Setoun of Parbroath, Fifeshire, he had two sons. His death took place on 7 March 1643.

He has often been confused with his elder son, James Scrymgeour, who succeeded as second Viscount Dudhope (d 1644), and took a more prominent part in politics. The latter's character nearly resembled that of his grandfather. He was admitted burgess of Dundee on 9 July 1619. He was an ardent royalist, and was with Charles I at Marston Moor, where he received what proved to be a mortal wound. He died on 24 July 1644, leaving a widow, Isabel Ker, daughter of the first duke of Roxburghe, two sons, and two daughters.

The elder son, John Scrymgeour, third Viscount Dudhope and first Earl of Dundee (d. 1668), was one of the royalist leaders during the civil war. In 1648 he joined with the Duke of Hamilton and General John Middleton, afterwards first earl of Middleton [q. v.], in the attempt to rescue Charles I, and was present in command of a troop of horse at the battle of Preston. He succeeded in escaping to Scotland after the royalist defeat. He attended Charles II at Stirling Castle in 1651, and marched with him to England on the expedition that terminated at Worcester. Again he escaped uninjured, and then he joined Middleton in the abortive campaign in the north in 1654. He was captured in the braes of Angus by a party of Cromwellian soldiers, and sent prisoner to London, where he was detained for some time. At the Restoration his loyalty was rewarded. He was made a privy councillor and created Earl of Dundee on 8 Sept. 1660. He survived till 23 June 1668. By his marriage in 1644 with Lady Anne Ramsay, daughter of William, earl of Dalhousie, he had no children, and the title became extinct. His widow married Sir Henry Bruce of Clackmannan, whose family is now represented by the Earl of Elgin and Kincardine.

[Douglas's Peerage, sub voce Scrymgeour; Register of Privy Council, vols. iii–viii.; Millar's Roll of Eminent Burgesses of Dundee, pp. 49, 83, 109, 164; Scrymgeour MSS. in Dundee Charter-room; Reg. Mag. Sig. 1546–1620; Foster's Members of Parliament of Scotland.]

SCUDAMORE, Sir CHARLES, M.D. (1779–1849), physician, third son of William Scudamore, a surgeon, and his wife Elizabeth Rolfe, was born at Wye, Kent, where his father was in practice, in 1779. His grandfather and great-grandfather were surgeons at Canterbury, and descended from an ancient Herefordshire family seated at Ballingham in that county. He was educated at the ancient grammar school of the town, of which the Rev. Philip Parsons was then master. He began his medical education as apprentice to his father, and continued it at Guy's and St. Thomas's hospitals in London for three years, after which he settled in practice as an apothecary at Highgate, and there remained for ten years. He began medical study at Edinburgh in 1813, and graduated M.D. at Glasgow on 6 May 1814, reading a thesis ‘De Arthritide,’ which was published at Glasgow in 1814. He was admitted a licentiate of the College of Physicians of London, 30 Sept. 1814, and began practice as a physician in Holles Street, London. He had some knowledge of chemistry, and in 1816 published in London ‘An Analysis of the