Page:Dictionary of aviation.djvu/122

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soaring flight, flight in tuhich the bird or flyer soars, floats, or sails on the air^currents or wind, support and pro- pulsion sometimes being furnisht by the air alone without any expenditure of power by the soarer; sailing flight, compare flapping flight.

stationary flight, flight, or suspension in air, in which the bird or flyer remains stationary, or hangs suspended over or about a particular spot or place; flight in which the flyer is stationary or has no tjanslatory motion; hovering.

subaqueous flight, flight in the water, beneath the sur- face, as of certain birds.

sustained flight, flight which is sustaind, maintaind, or kept up continuously for a long time, or for a considerable time, without alighting or falling to the earth.

take flight, begin flight; start off flying or in flight; take wing : as, *take flight for home.

time of flight, the length of time occupied by a flight; duration of actual flight, during an experiment with a flyer.

whistling flight, flight accompanied by a whistling sound, as that of a duck or pigeon.

2. an instance of such action or mode of action; an act of flying; a balloon^f light; an airship^f light ; an aeroplane? flight; a monoplane^flight.

top of a flight, the top, or highest point or part, of a flight; the topmost point, or place of greatest elevation, reacht in the course of a single flight.

3. the distance a bird can or does fly without alighting : as, a dovecot distant a *flight or two from water.

4. a collection or flock of birds, insects, or things flying or passing thru the air together : as, large *flights of white clouds.

flight-datum 'fz,ait,dee-t9m. n. [ploral flighfedata'] a datum, or given or granted fact, regarding flight.

flight-feather 'ftai^fedaz n. [also spelt flighttf ether] one of the wing^fethers on which a bird depends for its power of flight; a flying^f ether.

flightless 'feait-tes adj. incapable of flight.

flight-muscle 'fz,ait,mAS3! n. one of the muscles used in flight; a wmg^muscle.

flight-path 'ftait,pa:9 n. the path of flight of a bird or fly- er; the course of flight : as, the equation of the *flight#path.

flight-record 'ftait^ekazd n. a record of a flight, as at an aviation^meet ; the best recorded achievement as to speed, distance, endurance, height, etc., of a flying^machine or of an aviator; a flying-record.

flight-resistance 'fz,ait-zi,zistns n. the resistance which the

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