Page:Dictionary of aviation.djvu/163

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Eddy kite, a ferm of Malay kite which was introduced by Eddy about 1894, and was one of the first kites used in the United States for scientific purposes. The bowd cross- stick is placed at a peint distant 18 per cent of the length of the vertical stick from the top of the kite.

electrical kite, a kite coverd with silk or varnisht paper and armd with a wire, such as that empleyd by Benjamin Franklin to verify his hypothesis respecting the identity of electricity and lightning.

folding kite, a kite that may be folded, for transportation ; a collapsible kite.

Hargrave kite, any one of the various forms of cellular kites invented by Lawrence Hargrave of New South Wales, Australia, about 1893 or subsequently; a box kite.

hexagonal kite, a flat kite of hexagonal ferm; a single- plane kite having the form of a hexagon or six-angled figure; a six-sided boy's kite.

Japanese kite, a tailless kite, flexible in both dimensions, used in Japan and now commonly on sale in toy-shops.

Malay kite, a kind of lozenge- or diamond-shaped kite, commonly tailless, much used in the Malay Peninsula. The frame consists of two flexible sticks crossing at right angles, one of the sticks being either so elastic as to bend easily in the wind, or permanently bent in the form of a bow.

military kite, a kite used for military or war purposes, sometimes man-carrying; a war-kite.

monoplane kite, a kite having the form of a monoplane; a single-plane kite; a flat kite; a boy's kite.

multiplane kite, a kite made of many, or several, planes or aerofoils; a cellular kite. '

multiplftdisk kite, a kite consisting of a series of super- posed disks or kites, such as the life-saving kite patented in Great Britain in 1859 by E. J. Cordner, or as the Chinese dragon-kite.

musical kite, a Chinese kite provided with a bamboo res- onator tuhich in flight produces an intense and plaintiv sound audible at a great distance.

rigid kite, a kite which is rigid or unyielding; a kite with a stiff frame; a non-flexible kite.

r overbearing kite, a kite proposed by Jobert in 1887, for bearing a life-saving rope to a wreckt vessel.

selftregistering kite, a kite carrying self-registering mete- orological instruments, sent up in investigations of the at- mosfere.

sextuple kite, a kite consisting of six sustaining-units, as six Malay kites upon one backbone; a sixfold kite.

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