Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/49

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  • avisar to notify, inform Hay que avisar a la policía. We have to notify the police.  to warn, advise, counsel Es la última vez que te aviso. I'm warning you for the last time.
  • aviso announcement, notice, warning Aviso al público. Notice to the public.
  • avispa wasp.
  • avivar to revive (make bright) Avivaron el fuego echando más leña. They revived the fire by putting on more wood.
     avivar el ojo to keep one's eyes open, look sharp ¿Por qué no avivas el ojo? Why don't you keep your eyes open?  avivar el paso to step lively Avive el paso; es muy tarde. Step lively; it's very late.  avivarse to wake up, to cheer up Avívate; estás como dormido. Wake up; you're half asleep.
  • ¡ay! oh! ouch!
  • ayer yesterday.
  • ayuda help, aid, assistance Necesito ayuda en esto. I need help with this.
  • ayudar to aid, help, assist Quiero ayudarle a llevar los paquetes. I want to help him carry the packages.
  • ayunar to fast.
  • ayunas  en ayunas hungry, fasting, on an empty stomach No fume en ayunas. Don't smoke on an empty stomach.
  • azada hoe.
  • azafate [m] tray [Am].
  • azafrán [m] saffron.
  • azahar [m] orange blossom.
  • azar [m] chance, risk Corramos ese azar. Let's take that chance.  chance Le gustan los juegos de azar. He likes games of chance.
     al azar at random Los escogió al azar. He chose them at random.
  • azarar to embarrass, confuse Esto azara a cualquiera. This would embarrass anyone.
     azararse to be embarrassed Cuando se lo dije se azaró mucho. When I told him that he was very much embarrassed.
  • azote [m] whipping; spank; lash.
  • azteca [adj; n] Aztec.
  • azúcar [m or f] sugar.
  • azucarera sugar bowl.  [adj] pertaining to sugar La industria azucarera. The sugar industry.
  • azucena white lily.
  • azufre [m] sulfur.
  • azul [adj; n] blue.


  • babucha slipper.
  • bacalao codfish.
  • bachiller [m] graduate, holder of a bachelor's degree (person possessing a Spanish degree equivalent in the U.S. to a high-school diploma plus two years of college).
  • bagazo pulp [Am].
  • bahía bay (arm of sea).
  • bailar to dance.
  • bailarín [m] dancer.
  • bailarina [f] dancer.
  • baile [m] dance, ball.
  • baja (military) casualty El enemigo sufrió muchas bajas. The enemy suffered many casualties.  fall (in price) Hubo una baja en todos los precios. There was a general fall in prices.
     dar de baja to drop out (from a list of members or subscribers) Se dio de baja del club. He dropped out of the club.—Por falta de pago, lo dieron de baja de la lista de subscriptores. For lack of payment they dropped him from the subscription list.
  • bajada descent, slope.
  • bajamar [f] low tide.
  • bajar to go down, descend Bajemos la escalera despacio. Let's go down the stairs slowly.  to fall, drop La temperatura bajó. The temperature fell.  to lower; to bring down Baje Ud. la maleta de mi cuarto. Bring the suitcase down from my room.  to take down ¿Quiere ayudarme a bajar las maletas de la red? Will you help me take the suitcases down from the rack?
     bajarse to get down, get off Nos vieron al bajarse del tren. They saw us as they were getting off the train.  to bend over Se bajó para atarse un zapato. He bent over to tie his shoe.
  • bajo low Quiero una mesa baja. I want a low table.  short Es más bajo que su hermano. He's shorter than his brother.  low, soft Hablaban en voz baja. They were speaking in a low voice.  bass (voice, instrument) Vamos a colocar los bajos a la izquierda. Let's put the basses on the left.  below La temperatura ha llegado a bajo