Page:Diuers voyages touching the discouerie of America - Hakluyt - 1582.djvu/41

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Capo verde; and after this, his 180. degrees, being his part of the worlde, shoulde beginne in the Carde right ouer against the 340 degrees, where I haue made a little compasse with a crosse, and shoulde finishe at the 160. degree, where also I haue made an other little marke. And after this computation without any controuersie, the Ilandes of the spicerie fall out of the Portingales domination. So that nowe the Spaniardes say to the Portingales that if they woulde beginne their 180. degrees from the saide Capo verde, to the intent they shoulde extende more towarde the oriente, and so to touche those Ilandes of the spicerie of the Emperour, which is all that is betweene the two crosses made in this carde, that then the Ilandes of Capo verde and the lande of Brasill that the Portingales nowe obtaine, is out of the sayde limitation, and that they are of the Emperours. Or if their 180. degrees they count from the 370. leagues beyonde the sayde Capo verde, to include in it the sayde Ilandes and landes of Brasill, then plainely appeareth the saide 180. degrees shoulde finishe longe before they come to these Ilandes of the spicerie of the Emperour: As by this Carde your Lordshippe may see. For their limittes shoulde beginne at the 340. degrees, of this Carde, and ende at 160. degrees, where I haue made two little marks of the compasse with crosses in them.

So that plainely it shoulde appeare by reason, that the Portingales shoulde leaue these Ilandes of Capo verde and land of Brasill, if they would haue part of the spicerie of the Emperours: or else holding these, they haue no parte there. To this the Portingales say, that they will beginne their 180. degrees from the selfe same Capo verde: for that it maye extende so muche more towarde the oriente and touche these Ilandes of the Emperours: and woulde winne these Ilandes of Capo verde and lande of Brasill neuer the lesse, as a thinge that they possessed before the consent of this limitation was made.

So none can verylye tell whiche hath the best reason.
