Page:EB1922 - Volume 30.djvu/15

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A.A. = Anti-Aircraft; Army Act (British); Automobile Association.
A.A.G. = Assistant Adjutant General
A.B.C. = Argentina, Brazil, Chile.
Abt. = Abteilung = Detachment, sub-unit (German Army).
ac. = acre or acres
A.C. = Artillerie de Campagne, Artillerie de Corps = Field artillery, Corps artillery—followed by numeral (French).
A.C.I. = Army Council Instruction (British).
A.C. of S. = Assistant Chief-of-Staff (U.S.A.).
A.D. = Anno Domini = In the year of our Lord (Latin); Artillerie divisionnaire = Divisional artillery (followed by numeral) (French).
Adml. = Admiral.
A.E.F. = American Expeditionary Force.
A.F. = Air Force (British).
A.F.C. = Air Force Cross (British).
A.F.E.F. = Anglo-French Expeditionary Force.
A.F.M. = Air Force Medal (British).
A.F. of L. = American Federation of Labour.
A.G. = Adjutant-General.
A.I.D. = Aircraft Inspection Department (British).
A.I.F. = Australian Imperial Force.
A.L. = Artillerie Lourde = Heavy artillery (French).
Ala. = Alabama.
A.L.A.M. = Association of Licensed Automobile Manufacturers.
A.L.G.P. = Artillerie Lourde à grande puissance = Super-heavy artillery (French).
Als.-Lor. = Alsace-Lorraine.
A.L.V.F. = Artillerie Lourde à voie ferrée = Heavy railway artillery (French).
A.M.S. = Army Medical Service.
ANZAC. = Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.
A.O.C. = Army Ordnance Corps (since 1918 R.A.O.C.)
A.O.K. = Armee-Oberkommando = Supreme Army Command (Austro-Hungarian); Headquarters of an army, with numeral, e.g. A.O.K. 2 (German).
A.P.C. = Army Pay Corps; since 1918 R.A.P.C. (British).
A.P.D. = Army Pay Department (British).
Ariz. = Arizona.
Ark. = Arkansas.
A.S.C. = Army Service Corps; since 1918 R.A.S.C. (British).
A.S.E. = Amalgamated Society of Engineers.
A.T. = Artillerie de tranchée = Trench artillery (French).
A.V.C. = Army Veterinary Corps; since 1918 R.A.V.C. (British).
A.V.S. = Army Veterinary Service.
Az. Aufschlagzünder = Percussion fuze (German).
b. = born.
Balk. Penin. Balkan Peninsula.
bar. = barrel or barrels.
Batt. = Battery; battalion.
Bav. = Bavarian
B.C. = Before Christ.
Bde. = Brigade.
Beds. = Bedfordshire.
B.E.F. = British Expeditionary Force (in particular in France and Belgium).
Berks. = Berkshire.
B.G. = Brigadier-General, General Staff appointment (British).
B.H.P. = Brake Horse-power.
B.L. = Breech-loading (artillery; as distinct from Q.F.).
B.M. = Brigade-Major (British).
B.M.A. = British Medical Association.
Bn. = Battalion.
Brig.-Gen. = Brigadier-General.
Bucks. = Buckinghamshire.
bus. = bushel or bushels.
Bz. = Brennzünder = Time fuze (German).
c. = circa = round about (Latin).
C.A. = Corps d'Armée = Army Corps (French).
C.A.C. = Corps d'Armée Coloniale = Colonial Army Corps (French).
Cal. = California.
Cambs. = Cambridgeshire.
Capt. = Captain.
C.Asia = Central Asia.
Cav. = Cavalry.
C.B.E. = Commander of the Order of the British Empire.
C.C. = Corps de Cavalerie = Cavalry Corps (French).
CE. = Contre-Espionnage = Anti-spy service (French).
C.E. = Tetronitromethylaniline (Tetryl) (Chemical Explosive).
C.F. = Chaplain to the Forces (British).
cf. = confer = compare (Latin).
C.G.S. = Chief of the General Staff (British).
C.H. = Companian of Honour.
Ches. = Cheshire.
C.G.T. = Confédération Générale du Travail = General Federation of Labour (French).
C.-in-C. = Commander-in-Chief (British).
C.I.D. = Criminal Investigation Department (British).
C.I.G.S. = Chief of the Imperial General Staff (British).
C.M. = Court-martial.
C.M.B. = Central Midwives Board.
C.N. = Comité Nationale de Secours et d'Alimentation = National Committee for Relief and Feeding (Belgium).
co. = county.
Co. = Company.
C.O. = Commanding Officer (British).
C. of S. Chief of Staff (U.S.A.).
Col. = Colonel.
Colo. = Colorado.
Comm. = Commander.
Conn. = Connecticut.
Corn. = Cornwall.
C.O.S. = Charity Organization Society (British).
C.P. = Centre-pivot (artillery).
C.R.A. = Commanding Royal Artillery, i.e. commanding a formation or station (British).
C.R.A. Commission régulatrice automobile = Motor regulation staff (French).
C.R.B. = Commission for Relief in Belgium.
C.R.E. = Commanding Royal Engineers, i.e. commanding a formation (British).
C.r.o. =
Calibres-radius of head or ogive (artillery).
cub. ft. = cubic feet.
Cumb. = Cumberland.
C.W.S. = Coöperative Wholesale Society.
cwt. = hundredweight.
d. = died; also penny or pence.
D. = Director (e.g. D.M.O. = Director of Military Operations); as prefix of office-abbreviations = Deputy- (e.g. D.D.M.I. = Deputy Director of Miltacy Intelligence).
D.A. = Détachement d'Armée = Army group (French); Direct Action (fuze); Direction de l’Arrière = Directorate of the Rear Zone (French). Equivalent to British L. of C. and American S.O.S.
D.A.Q.M.G. = Deputy Assistant Quartermaster-General.
D.B.E. = Dame of the Order of the British Empire.
D.C. = Division de Cavalerie = Cavalry Division (French); District of Columbia.
D.C.A. = Défenses Contre Avions (or Aéronefs) = Anti-Aircraft Defence (French).