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an official and scholar of the Later Han dynasty. The most important single contribution by Chang Tsung-yüan is the 隋書經籍志考證 Sui-shu ching-chi chih k'ao-chêng, in which he criticized the bibliographical section of the Sui Dynastic History. Only a part of the manuscript drafts of this voluminous work was preserved by Ho Yüan-hsi (see under Chang Hai-p'êng) and also by Ch'ien I-chi and Ch'ien T'ai-chi [qq. v.]. The part dealing with the section on historical works in the above-mentioned bibliography was printed in 1877 in 13 chüan, and this part seems to have some relation to the lost Shih-chi k'ao of Chang Hsüeh-ch'êng. It is reported by some that Ma Kuo-han [q. v.], in compiling his Yü-han shan fang chi-i shu, made use of the manuscript drafts of Chang Tsung-yüan, but this seems to be an error.

[1/490/14b; 2/72/41b; 4/134/20a; 10/23/20b; Wang Chung-min 王重民, 清代兩個大輯佚書家評傅 in 輔仁學志 Fu-jên hsüeh-chih, vol. III, no. 1 (1932).]

Hiromu Momose

CHANG Wei-p'ing 張維屏 (T. 子樹, H. 南山, 松心子, 珠海老漁), Oct. 27, 1780–1859, Oct. 13, official and poet, was a native of P'an-yü (Canton). For his early education he was indebted to his father, Chang Ping-wên 張炳文 (T. 虎臣, H. 綉山, 1753–1826), who was a teacher and a chü-jên of 1801. Before he was thirty sui Chang Wei-p'ing achieved fame as a poet in South China, and when he went to Peking in 1807 he was regarded as a rival of the poets in the capital. In 1822 he received his chin-shih degree and was appointed, later in that year, acting magistrate of Huang-mei, Hupeh. He is remembered by the people of that district for the help he rendered, at great risk to his life, during a flood in 1823. In the latter year he was transferred temporarily to Sung-tzŭ, and in the following year became magistrate of Kuang-chi—both in Hupeh. He resigned in 1825, and was appointed acting sub-prefect of Hsiang-yang, Hupeh, but returned to his home in Canton, owing to his father's death. In 1829 he became a supervisor of the Academy known as Hsüeh-hai t'ang (see under Juan Yüan)—a position he again filled in 1838. In 1832 he resumed official life and held the following temporary posts in Kiangsi: sub-prefect of Yüanchow, magistrate of T'ai-ho (1832), second class sub-prefect at Chi-an (1835), and prefect of Nan-k'ang (1835–36). In 1836 he requested leave to retire, and after a visit to Lu-shan 廬山 returned to Canton. In 1837 he made a journey to Kuei-lin, Kwangsi, and upon his return, in the same year, he moved to a garden called Tungyüan 東園 which he rented in the area known as Hua-ti 花地 across the river from Canton. In 1846 his second son, Chang Hsiang-t'ai (see below) bought and rebuilt for him a garden styled T'ing-sung lu 聽松廬 (in eastern Hua-ti) where he devoted himself to study and to writing. He died at his ancestral home in the inner city, Canton, and was buried at Yin-k'êng ling 銀坑嶺, east of the city.

Chang Wei-p'ing was, in his time, one of the Three Masters of Verse in Kwangtung 粵東三子, the other two being T'an Ching-chao 譚敬昭 (T. 子晉, 康侯, H. 選樓, 1773–1830), a chin-shih of 1817, and the author of the 聽雲樓詩鈔 T'ing-yün lou shih-ch'ao; and Huang P'ei-fang 黃培芳 (T. 子實, H. 香石, 粵嶽山人, 1779–1859), a native of Hsiang-shan, a senior licentiate of 1804, and the author of some thirty works, among which are: 嶺海樓詩鈔 Ling-hai lou shih-ch'ao, 12 chüan; Ling-hai lou ching-i (經義), 2 chüan; and 香石詩話 Hsiang-shih shih-hua, 4 chüan (1810). These three poets, and four others, organized a Poetry Club, known as Yün-ch'üan Shih-shê 雲泉詩社, which erected (1812) on White Cloud Mountain, northeast of Canton, a retreat called Yün-ch'üan Shan-kuan (山館).

As a writer Chang Wei-p'ing excelled both in verse and in prose. His poems were printed, and continuously supplemented, under various titles—the most complete collection being the 松心詩集 Sung-hsin shih-chi, 27 chüan, which includes his verse written during the years 1794 to 1858. His tz'ŭ or poems in irregular meter (but disposed according to fixed patterns), entitled 海天霞唱 Hai-t'ien hsia-ch'ang, 3 chüan, were printed with a supplement entitled 玉香亭詞 Yü-hsiang-t'ing tz'ŭ, 1 chüan, which contains a number of poems that he wrote to commemorate his fiancée who died before their marriage. Chang Wei-p'ing compiled the 國朝詩人徵略 Kuo-ch'ao shih-jên chêng-lüeh in two series—the first (初編), 60 chüan, being printed in 1830; the second (二編), 57 chüan, in 1842. Though the last chüan is numbered 64, the actual number of chüan is 57. This work consists of biographical sketches of men of letters of the Ch'ing period with information and criticism drawn from various sources, as well as comments by the compiler. Another work of a similar nature is the 藝談錄 I-t'an-lu, 2 chüan