Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/120

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fidelity, see FAITHFUL.

fidget, tòng-tòng-tsáu; bô-sî-tiām.

field, cultivated and irrigated, tshân: tshân-bóu. cultivated but not irrigated, hn̂g. wet or dry, tshân-hn̂g. to cultivate, tsoh-tshân; chèng-tsoh; keⁿ-tsok. plough, lôi-tshân. to irrigate, kùan-tshân; im-tshân. mouse, tshân-tshṳ́. boundary, tshân-hūaⁿ. battle-, chièn-tiêⁿ. -piece, tōa-phàu.

fiend, kúi; môⁿ-kúi; siâ-kúi; ak-kúi; iau-kúi.

fierce, pãu-sèⁿ; pãu-pek; pãu-tshàu; méⁿ-lie̍t; pãu-lie̍t.

fife, ti-tâ; siau; ki-kû. to play, pûn-ti-tâ.

fifty, ngõu-tsa̍p.

fig, ngõu-tsa̍p.

fight, sie-thâi; kau-chièn; hãi-tòu; sie-phah.

figure, hêng; hêng-iēⁿ; hêng-siãng; hêng-sièⁿ; hêng-tsuãng; iēⁿ-sièⁿ; hêng-thí. figures (numerals), bé-kiáⁿ. figured cloth, hue-pòu.

filch, thau-khie̍h. rice, thau-tshah-bí; thau-lap-bí.

file, tshò. iron filings, thih-tshùi; thih-hu; thih-sut.

filial, kiâⁿ-hàu. son, hàu-tsṳ́.

fill, with water, tsúi tò-kàu-tĩⁿ. a room, nâng ji̍p kàu che̍k-koiⁿ tsa̍t-tsa̍t; kàu che̍k-koiⁿ-nâng nẽⁿ tĩⁿ-tĩⁿ. an office, seng-jīm; chiẽⁿ-jīm. up with earth, thūn-tī; thūn-thôu. a hole, sat-khang. to eat one's, chia̍h kàu-pá-pá. filler, for pouring water, tsúi-làu; khuah-tshùi-làu.

fillet, tòa.

fillip, with finger-nail, tuāⁿ; tuāiⁿ.

film, mo̍hⁿ; mo̍hⁿ-mo̍hⁿ; po̍h-mo̍hⁿ; phûe-mo̍hⁿ.

filter, to, tè. water, tè-tsúi; tsúi tè-chheng-khih. a, tsúi-tè; sua-làu (made of sand).

filthy, nah-sap; u-ùe; chhi-gî. abuse, iá-siaⁿ-mēⁿ; tshou-siaⁿ-mēⁿ; tshou-siaⁿ iá-tshùi; mēⁿ kàu-chhi-gî; tshou-lâm iá-tshùi.

fins, hṳ̂-si̍t; hṳ̂-chhì. sharks', sua-hṳ̂-si̍t.

final, a particle, suah-kha hṳ-jī. conclusion, expressed in a word, tsóng zṳ̂-ngân--tsṳ; tàu-tí. finally, tsong; suah-búe; kàu-búe; kiáu-búe; pi̍t-kéng.

find, by search, tshūe--tie̍h; chhîm--tie̍h; chhê--tie̍h; chhê-tit-tshut (in a book); púe--tie̍h (in a book or mixed mass). meet with, ngõ--tie̍h; tú--tie̍h; hông--tie̍h. to find anything by chance, khieh--tie̍h; to̍h-tie̍h.

fine, in quality, iùⁿ; iùⁿ-sòi. reasoning, tõ-lí sòi-mûiⁿ;