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“ will"

I went to tha White House today tor a 4 pm "meetand grim" Wltll cns Rglncc Pviebus. As I waiiied in From wesi Exec, I saw and briefly chatted with Elli Priestap and J2“ Boalie, who were there to doa dEfensive briei'ln

As i waited in the West Wing lobby, Mike Flynn snapped by and SIL down We chatrad furzbuut five minutes at:qu his new Job. the challenges in huiidinga grail.

and working with Foiks who had never been in government ' he he maintains nine ,mi iimmsnomenv n hie' her M 01*

cos Priebus‘s assistant came and got me and tank mi: in his office. He greeted me and w! ssiwnh lus desk berween us. No explained that this was: LhénCC ic geracquainied, and he guided the mnvmaiion in a Variety ofdmectmns.

Earl in our conversation lie hmughr. (if the lmmigralion orderind asked Ifl was a L'swy He asked Iil agreed that the order appear racially valid. lsaid | didms I boilevcd ULC had; the Presldent has broad zuthurity in the areal laddcd that because immigration was naian F31 issue, i had not foilowed the Court discussion Lnl'efillly and did not know what considerations (here might be beynnd the far! (If

the urder

We fbnrhad all i varieiy nl subjects. including "how ch ended up in the report." [expiainlzd that me analysis from all three agpncles agr il was relevant and um mum nlthe material were corrobnmed v 0 intelligence They dlscussad wile andtllwiiud itmadc musrscnsur isaid ia cod w h that d€CiSl<m and thought iL my impwianl that it be included and brieic to aseXeL‘I audienc: He pressizd a in andxa ii ihauhe material w: [explained that lhe primary sour: much oi it was cmsimni with and mn-nhoraciv: u! oilicrintciligencc, and :hanlie incoming pmsidciitneeded tn know rlu‘ ritstolit Was i>ur "left.

li‘xpiaincd Ln him Lhal arour dinner the President had expmsscd mines! Ill hnvinli mg' investigate the Gnlden Shnwurs thing. Irvpuatni what I had told the wraith-m ahuul nut wanting in cream a narrative iiizii wa WCI’l’ invnstigaiing him.

He Khan 25 -d almuilcaiis ni’iiw fact uFmd mal itwas brim-d w Uil' lflivming prismni isaid l didn‘i knnw w er run-1mm hui isuspuu .l mmu imm ibiks wim haw lnii gnvnrnmem HP asked wheihir ll mum have coma imm llu: Fm isaid ii wa< nnssililc bu: rxtremeiyun‘ikfly in ViCW Wu ulkn] aim.» Imlcs- in gonna) and I cxpimncd my View that thty almostalwzys Criml' imm arm or iwii hilps GUI and ma? “vvly nrasidcnl is plagued by rhem He asked irm ma pup Mimi" in mi )iiuiwi' mm we had, Ml! ii was a rare thing iii-m..- icnlmmi ,iiw- mmui mi um wilmgms lo go altar reporter rcmm; Hi1 tilun mailed the mm“ Iidl’nifliii Minn i-imnicimm inn-i . Rm“ oi FOX. iii alsilmci‘liifinedlhi’ lull prim mad‘ouu’ oi rim Prasiduntv all: with rareign icadars

Clusi/iuféy : A0 CA

Dan mt 7-9pm :Pra/ IVS/("14 (1mm )1", a, Lu «J nus/F; on :31: $212.5,


NSC Declassiil’calien Review [50 13526] DECLASSiFlED IN PART


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