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R. S. Boggs, Index of Spanish Folktales.
FFC 90
)( — A. Lesser, "Bibliography of American folklore 1915—28" in JAF 1928 XLI. Section on Spanish America pp. 37—45. I shall not list here any titles cited by Lesser, but only a few that he does not include.
Hernández de Moreno, "Pel folklore spagnuolo" in Archivio per lo studio delle tradizioni popolari 1887 VI 575—6. Bibliographic note on Spanish folklore, citing especially periodicals.
Revista de filología española 1914—00. See section on folklore in the bibliography.
)( — M. Aguiló, Cuentos 1860—62. Catalan.
)( — P. de Alcántara Penya, Rondayes mallorquines, Palma de Mallorca 1884.
)( — PAM Alcover, Rondayes mallorquines, Palma de Mallorca 1896, 1898, 1904, 1909, 1913, 1916, 7 vols.
)( — PAM Alcover, Cuentos maravillosos, recogidos en Mallorca, adaptados al castellano por T. Llorente Falcó, Valencia, Domenech 191 4.
* — C. Alvarez de Machado, Cuentos extremeños, 1885. In a letter from Seville, dated March 7, 1927, Alejandro Guichot y Sierra informs me of this work, "... no se han publicado: originales perdidos".
)( — F. Arocena Arregui, Narraciones folklóricas, San Sebastián 1923. Bask.
ASEB — Th. Alaux and L. Sagardoÿ, L'espagnol au brevet supérieur, Paris, Didier 1907. On pp 145—61 is found Spanish text of one tale from CPA p 86.
)( — Fr. Badenes Dalmau, Cuentos populars, Barcelona 1900. Catalan.