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FFC 90
300—749 Magic tale.

discovers why sheep grow thin. Father hides in bushes; must dance and is torn by thorns when flute is played. Stepmother boils water in which to cook hero; or, housekeeper takes boiling water off fire. Hero plays flute; she dances and scalds herself. Father confesses to priest who calls hero who plays flute and priest must dance. Priest enters oven to see if he can stop dancing but only bumps his head.
as 1. LRAC no 34. le 1. KDCS p. 115 no IV.

*594. Cf Mt 850.
Old woman gives shepherd flageolet which makes sheep and goats dance [D 1415]. He makes his master dance with it and loses his job. Oldest son goes to town to sell apples. He meets old woman who asks him what he sells. "Rats", he replies. She turns his apples into rats. Likewise second son has his oranges turned into birds. Youngest brother tells her truthfully he has grapes and offers her some. The more grapes he sells, the more he finds in his basket [Q 2]. His money is packed in basket so tightly he cannot get it out, but plays flageolet and it comes dancing out. He sells eggs and the more he sells the more he finds in his basket. Older brothers steal flageolet but it loses its magic quality [D 1224.1]. Hero, however, is rich and does not need it.
oc 1. ECPE no 153.

610—619 Magic remedy.

Cf Mt 560 *A.
610. as 1. LRAC no 57: II a (Beggar), III b (Cures sick lady), IV (Friend fails to pray rosary and devils crack nuts on his rump). Cf Mt 510 B (LRAC no 32).