Page:Fables of Aesop and other eminent mythologists.djvu/151

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Æſop's FABLES.

Fab. CII.

A Fox and a Bramble.

A Fox that was cloſe Purſu'd, took a Hedge, The Buſhes gave way, and in Catching hold of a Bramble to break his Fall, the Prickles ran into his Feet. Upon This, he layd himſelf down, and fell to Licking his Paws, with Bitter Exclamations againſt the Bramble. Good Words, Reynard, ſays the Bramble, One would have thought you had known Better Things, then to Expect a Kindneſs from a Common Enemy, and to lay hold on That for Relief, that Catches at Every Thing elſe for Miſchiefe.

The Moral.

There are ſome Malicious Natures that Place all their Delight in doing Ill Turns, and That Man is hard put to't, that is firſt brought into a Diſtreſs, and then forc'd to Fly to ſuch People for Relief.


'Tis Great Folly to Fly for Protection to People that Naturally Delight in Miſchief, The Fox Blames the Bramble here, but he may Thank Himſelf. They that make themſelves the Common Enemies of Mankind, by Breaking All the Meaſures of Good Faith, Truth, and Peace, and by lying in Wayte for Innocent Bloud, let them Turn their Heads which way they will, they ſhall be ſure of an Enemy in the Face of them: Nay they meet with their Puniſhment, where they look for Safety, and which way foever they go, Divine Juſtice either Meets them, or Purſues them. The Foxes Charging his Misfortune here upon the Bramble, is the very Caſe and Practice of Wicked Men, that Snarle at the Inſtruments, without ſo much as Thinking of the Providence, But the Bramble did only according to its Nature, and Conſequently was not to Blame.

Fab. CIII.

A Fox and a Crocodile.

THERE happen’d a Conteſt betwixt a Fox and a Crocodile, upon the Point of Bloud and Extraction. The Crocodile Amplifyd Wonderfully upon his Family, for the Credit of his Anceſtors. Friend (ſays the Fox, ſmiling upon’t) there will need no Herald to Prove your Gentility; for you carry the Marks of Your Original in Your very Skin. The