Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/379

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England 24th Oct. i^86-^^. On 3rd April 1388 he was translated to York and received the temporalities of that see i3th Sept. following -7. y 1388 John Fordham, bishop of Durhmn, was translated to \ 12 Ric. II. Ely by authority of pope Boniface's bull, dated 3rd April 1388-^8. He did his fealty to the King, and made his profession of obedience in the conventual church of Barnwell, Cambridge, 27 th Sept. following'^^j on which the temporalities were delivered to him^^, and the next day he obtained the spiritualities -^^ He died at Downham 19th Nov. 142522, His will, made 3rd Oct. 1425, was proved 4th Feb. 1425-6 ^2. The chapter of Ely obtained a license -^^ to elect a bishop in the room of John Fordham 3rd Dec. 1425^^; and at a meeting of the privy council J 4th Jan. 1425-6, among other things it was agreed that Philip bishop of Worcester's should be translated to the see of Ely, unless some other person should be previously ap- pointed thereto by the Pope, and in that case to the see of Norwich ; and that William Alnewyk, keeper of the privy seal, should be appointed to the bishopric of Norwich in case he should not have been promoted

��26 Claus. 10 Ric. II. m. 35, in royal license for the election of dorso. a bishop in his room. Cartular.

27 Pat. 12 Ric. II. p. I. m. 22. Elyens.

28 Reg. Courten. fol. 323. 35 pat. 4 Hen. VI. p. i. m. 10.

29 Reg. Fordham. EUens. ^6 jje had been elected to the

30 Pat. 12 Ric. II. p. I. m. 19. see of York in 1424, and the and Pat. 13 Ric. II. p. i. m. 26. King, 25th Jan. in that year, in-

31 Reg. 3. EUens. formed pope Martin that he had

32 " Feria secunda, in vigUii assented to the election of Philip S. Edmundi Regis et Martyris bishop of Worcester as arch- xiii Cal. Decembris." Monach. bishop of York, upon the de- Eliens.Contin.Hist. Others place cease of Henry Bowet the late his death on 13th Nov. archbishop. (Pat. 2 Hen. VI. p. 2.

33 Reg. Chichel. fol. 389. m. 5.) But the Pope hanng no- 3-* Peter the prior and the con- minated Richard Fleming to the

vent of Ely, 25 th Nov. 1425, in- see of York, the translation of

form the King of the death of the bishop of Worcester to the

John Fordham their bishop, and archiepiscopal see was not per

beseech his Majesty to issue his fected.



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