Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/466

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Charles Fotherby, vice Thomas Worrell, 3rd Dec. 1639.

George Hall, vice Thomas Hutton, 23rd Dec. 1639.

Francis Bampfyld, vice Edward Kellett, 15th May 1 64 1.

William Sclater, vice Hugh Cholmeley, i8th Sept. 1 64 1 .

William Cox, 23rd Sept. 1642, vice Samuel Travers.

George Kendall, 7th Fob. 16445, ^^^^ William Hutchenson.

Edward Cotton, 31st Aug. 1660.

Seth Ward, lotli Sept. 1660.

Thomas Flavell, i8th Jan. 1660 i, vice Timothy Shute.

Thomas Long, i8th Jan. 1660 i, vice George Hall.

Arthur Bury, iSth Jan. 16601, vice Bartholomew Parre.

Oliver Naylor, 19th Jan. 1660 i, vice Wm. Helyar.

George Carey, 23rd March 16601, vice William Sclater.

William Banks, 28th Oct. 1661.

Roger Ashton, ist March 166 12, vice Wm. Peterson.

Thomas Portman, 14th April 1662, vice John Pynsent.

Francis Fulwood, 15th Oct. 1662, vice George Ken- dall, deprived.

Thomas Grenfeild, 29th Oct. 1662, vice Richard Pierson.

William Read, 31st Oct. 1662, vice Francis Bamp- fyld, deprived.

John Snell, 19th Nov. 1662, vice Seth Ward, pro- moted to the bishopric.

Daniel Estcott, 17th Sept. 1663, vice Edw. Young.

Martin Blake, 3rd June 1665, vice Thomas Collins.

Joseph Maynard, 25th Aug. 1666, vice Arthur Bury.

Baldwin Acland, vice Robert Hall, loth June 1667.

John Wilkins, vice James Smith, (?) ist July 1667.

Edward Wittenhall, vice John Bury, nth July 1667.

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