Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/631

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Thomas Stanley Bowstead succeeded 6th April 1842, vice John Bowstead deceased.




��Peter de Leicester held it about 1300.

Geoffrey de Glaston, collated v Cal. April. (38th

March) 1304. Richard Abel, collated iv Cal. Jan. (29th Dec.) 131 1. Peter de Northburgh, exchanged it ii Cal. Martii

(28th Feb.) 1327-8 for Flixton, with Thomas de Clopton, installed ii Cal. Martii (28th

Feb.) 1327-8. Baldwin de Whitney^ collated xv Cal. Aug. (18th

July) 1349, vice Clopton deceased. Richard Boule, collated viii Id. Junii (6th June)

1353. He exchanged it for Hansacre with Robert de Clipson, viii Id. April (6th April) 1356.

He exchanged it with John Sulgrave, iv Id. Junii (loth June) 1356. He

was afterwards archdeacon of Stafford. John de Bokingham resigned this prebend in 1349,

on being made dean of this church. John de Newnham succeeded v Id. April (9th April)

1359- William de Newhagh, collated iv Cal. April (29th

March) 1374. He became pi'ecentor in 1378.

John de Oudeby, archdeacon ofDerhy^ held it in 1380. He died x Cal. Feb. (23rd Jan.) 141 7-1 8^ and was bu- ried in the cathedral.

William Berford, admitted 6th May 141 8, vice Oudeby deceased.

Thomas Edmonds, M.D., collated 14th Dec. 1450, vice Berford deceased.

��^3 Called after a hamlet of the and it is supposed to have been same name in the parish of Hints ; founded by bishop Clinton.

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