Page:Felt’s Parliamentary Procedure Upload 2.pdf/127

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§ 124

diately pending and are capable of interrupting the question to which they are incidental. Therefore, when the necessity for an incidental motion arises it takes precedence of and supersedes all pending propositions, and should be decided before the questions which give rise to it.


Objection to consideration.

Division of a question.

Suspension of the rules.


124. The will of the majority is the supreme power in all deliberative assemblies. If, therefore, any member thinks the chairman has not decided the question correctly, or in accordance with justice, or if he considers himself aggrieved by a decision of the chairman, or if any member desires to correct a decision of the chair which was hastily or erroneously made, or possibly made under undue influence, it is the privilege of any member to appeal to the assembly. The object of an appeal is to give the assembly an opportunity to correct such decision.