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§ 161
Practical Lessons.

vious question on the amendment say aye. . . . Those opposed no. . . . The ayes have it. The previous question is ordered on the amendment. The question now recurs on the amendment inserting the words “as test for promotion” after the word examinations. As many as favor the amendment say aye. . . . Those opposed no. . . . The ayes have it. The amendment is adopted. The question now recurs on the amended resolution, Resolved, That school examinations as tests for promotion should be abolished. Are you ready for the question?

Mr. Murphy (obtaining the floor): I am in favor of the resolution as amended. Still, it seems to me the resolution might be made stronger by giving a reason for such action. I move to amend by inserting the words “are injurious to children and” after the word promotion.

Mr. Harding: I rise to a point of order.

The Chairman: The member will state his point of order.