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Practical Lessons.
§ 162

Mr. Harding: The gentleman is attempting to debate and amend the resolution after the previous question is ordered.

The Chairman: In this case the previous question was limited to the amendment. After the amendment was voted on the previous question was exhausted and the resolution is again open to debate and amendment. The chair decides the point of order not well taken.

(Business proceeds accordingly).

162. Let us suppose that after Mr. Colvin's resolution (Sec. 148) has been offered and before it was seconded, he may for some reason wish to withdraw it (Procedure would be as follows):

Mr. Colvin: I withdraw the resolution.

The Chairman: The resolution is withdrawn. (If the resolution has been seconded procedure would be as follows).

Mr. Colvin (rising): With my second's consent I withdraw the resolution.

The Chairman: Does the second consent?