Page:Field Notes of Junius Henderson, Notebook 2.pdf/31

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-Sandstone, coarse, crossbedded, friable, dark red 2 ft. Varies in thickness and unconformable on surface below. -Sandstone, calcareous, banded red and white, very hard, flaggy, like Lyons 1 ½ ft. -Shale, sandy, red ferruginous, interlaid with lenticular bodies of gray limestone, becoming conglomeratic at top 6 ft. -Sandstone, pink, calcareous, coarse, laminated in color, not in apparent structure, but weathering into thin beds 15 ft. -Sandstone, fine, massive red or mottled 17 ft. -Limestone, gray, massive, ridge maker, 6 ft., making lowest bench -Sandstone, red, thin bedded, cross bedded, upper part usually massive, estimated 30 ft. crinoidal -Limestone, gray, massive, very hard, strong ridge maker, first real ridge maker, containing brachiopods brachiopods 15 ft. -Sandstone, pink, medium grained, thin and cross bedded, like Lyons 20 ft. -Limestone, massive, gray, very hard