Page:Flag regs of Siam - 1909.pdf/13

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Flag Regulations
for the
Kingdom of Siam.

By Command of His most Gracious Majesty the King:

Whereas in former times the national flag of Siam consisted only of a plain red flag, it was found necessary in the reign of His Majesty Phra Buddha Yotfa to make a distinction between Government vessels and vessels owned by private persons, and a flag having a red ground emblazoned with the figure of the "Chakr", the emblem of the Royal House, was ordered by the Sovereigns to be introduced for use on Government Vessels.

In the reign of His Majesty Phra Buddha Loetla three white elephants of rare beauty were discovered and presented to the King, and His Majesty had the auspicious event, which had never before occurred in any other country, commemorated by having the figure of a white elephant added to centre of the "Chakr" on the Government flag.