Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 1, 1890.djvu/541

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Divorce, Mordvin objection to, 451

Dog, Finnish account of origin of, 30-31

Dog-fish, myth accounting for mark on, 175, 191

Dog-man, folk-tale of Erza tribe, 417- 418

Door, barring of bride's door, Slav custom, 477

Dorfgehen, custom of, 468

Dorgai, bogey of Torres Straits, 49, 53, 54, 60, 62, 68, 76, 180, 181, 193

Dorgai Meta Kurabi, Badu legend, 53-54

of Karaper (Badu legend), 62-


of Muralug, Two (Muralug

folk-tale), 180-181, 193

Dorgai I (Badu legend), 54

Doughtre of Ypocras, variant of Frog- Prince story, 497

Dower, absence of, in early Russian marriages, 465

Down, Russian custom of covering bride with, 459

Dowry not given by Mordvins, 425 ; Voguls, 425

Drac (water-being) story, 209

Dragon, the bob-tailed (Chinese folk- tale), 366-368

Draiglin' Hogney, 310-312

Dress, contest of, at Lung Shan, China, 366

, Mordvin bridal, 439

, warlike, worn by Slav bride- groom, 477

Drevlians, Nestor's account of habits of, 463

Driving with presents, Chuvash mar- riage custom of, 456

Druidism in Ireland, 245

Druids' altar at Deerpark (co. Sligo), 244

Drum used in Torres Straits, 76 ; legendary use of, in, 49

Dugongs, use of, in Badu tales, 49, 51, 69, 76

Dugong Hunter, Sesere (Legend of Torres Straits), 69-75

EARTH placed in bosom by Mordvin

bride, 434

oven, Papuan, 80, 81 Earthquakes, myths regarding. 150 Easter in Greece, 275-276 ; at Thebes,

275 Edinburgh, Campbell MSS. at, 369-


Effigy of Judas, burning of, at Easter,

275 Egg cowries, used as New Guinean

ornaments, 77

Elf punishment tales, 210, 211 Elk, Finnish account of origin of, 31-

32 Ellis (Hav clock), Fascination and

Hypnotism (letter), 405 Emporia3, coinage of, 102 Endogamy among Mordvins, 452 ; in

Russia, 469 England, coins of Greek type found

in, 100 English and Scotch Fairy Tales, 289-

312 English Folk-lore, Collection of, 313-


Enmity, survival of English tribal, 325 Eoghan Bel, burial place of, 243, 244 Erin, son of, King of, and Giant of

Loch Lein,256 ; and three daughters

of King of the East, 257 ; the

thirteenth son of, 257 ; and Queen

of Lonesome Isle, 257 Erza, bridal carouse of, 428

, bridal processions of, 437

, custom of entering bridal

chamber among, 436

, human-dog tale of, 417-418

, marriage arrangements of, 425

marriage by capture among,


, marriage arranged by parents

among, 419 , marriageable age among, 418

, period of mourning for hus- band by widow of, 451

, unimportance of virginity

among, 419

Escribeto, analysis of (Italian folk- song), 264

Esthonian thunder-averting custom, 153 ; ill luck belief of, 155 ; fish- ing superstition, 165

, bride called lamb, 443

, marriage by purchase among,


Etruscans, superstitions of, 404

Evans (John), trial of, for divination, 131

Exogamy among Mordvins, 452 ; early Slavs, 464-465, 471

Eye-salves, magic, 208, 209. 210

Eyes, fairy vengeance on, 208, 209, 210

, legends of tearing out, 515-