Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 1, 1890.djvu/544

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Hailstorms, Greek sacrifices upon, 162

Hair, lock of, sent by Mordvin bride, 441

pins, Manchu marriage cus- tom connected with, 484

Hartland (E. Sidney), ' Eecent Re- search on Folk-Tales," 108-117 ; "Peeping Tom and Lady Godiva," 207-226

Hamilton, Marie, ballad of, 14

Hammond Island, legend of cause of rocks at, 181

Handstriking, Mordvin marriage cus- tom of, 426, 456 ; Russian, 456

Hansel believed by English peasants to be binding, 323

Harvest customs of Devon and Corn- wall, 280

Head, Mordvin brides require to go with bare, 450

Head-dress, Mordvin wife's investi- ture with, 450

Headless woman, legend of. at Dalton, 131

Heligan, harvest customs at, 280

Hekingfors, Folk-lore collection in University of, 408

Hen, sacrifice of, in Mordvin marriage customs, 448

Henwives in folk-tales, 291, 292, 299

Hereford, Countess of, obtains privi- leges for parish of St. Briavels by riding naked, 219

Hereford diocese, influence of boundaries of, in customs, 315

Hertha, traditions of ; connected with Godiva legends, 214, 224

Herthaburg, fairy bathing legend at, 214

Herzegovina, marriage by abduction in, 476

Highland folk-tale and its foundation in usage, 197-206

superstitions, 276

Highlands, belief in, that ghost is laid by burying boots of dead, 135

, Tales and Legends of (letter),


High Offley, village wake at, 319

Hiisi, Finnish demon, 32-33

Hill, Fairy, 300

Hiring times for servants, 315

History; relations between folk-lore and, 317-322

Holike Turks, belief in descent from wolf of, 460

Holliston,Mass., Doppeltganger belief in, 404

Holy Innocents' day. See " Inno- cents."

Hops, bridal ceremony with, among Mordvins, 442

, divination by, 448

, Mordvin marriage ceremony

of kicking, 448

Horoscopes exchanged on Manchu marriages, 484

Horse, Black (Highland marchen), 370-371

, Finnish account of origin of,


, Mordvin bridal ceremony

with, 441

Horsehair turned into water-snake, 136

Horse-shoes, reversed, 319

Hottentots, destruction of aged people by, 202

, footprint superstition of, 158

How they met themselves, 227-233 ; (letter), 403-404

Human-dog folk-tale of Erza, 417-418

Hunter's charm, Finnish, 17-18

, ill-ln ck brought to, by meet- ing old woman, 155

Husband, intermittent residence of Kun Kong wife with, 365

Hysena skin, Greek belief in protec- tion against lightning by, 154

Hypnotism, Fascination and (letters), 274, 405

IBERIA, Keltic occupation of, 88 Idol facing wall (Chinese legend ac- counting for), 362 Incest among early Slavs, 464, 469 ;

folk- tales involving, 474 India, 'Asura' marriage cnstom in, 479

, belief that ill-lack is brought

by turning back in, 155 Innocents' day (Holy), English objec- tion to commencing work on, 279 Inverness shire, superstitions in, 276 Ireland, archaic customs preserved in literature, 235

, subdivision of land in, 200

, weasel superstition in, 157

Irish Saga, effect on Christianity of,


Italian folk-songs, report on, 261-267 Ivan the Terrible, abolition of pagan festivals by, 467

JACK, Penny. See " Penny Jack." Jacobs (Joseph), " Recent Research in Comparative Religion," 384-