Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 10, 1899.djvu/388

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)w myths concerning Dara-

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e name of Daramulun as ," seems to be agreed on; eans of general accepta- tion. T' 5 ^ "^ ^ Ihat I have seen is quite a differer lause the sense "happens to be le to hold at present that it r |y suspend judgment until 6' Ide up their minds. Mr.

osing his error in calling _r-f^rr3 TjniTafamulun." Well, if there was efroiT^was neither his nor mine, but Mr. Howitt's ; for the latter explicitly includes them among the tribes whose initiation ceremonies he describes. Whether it is exactly worship that is given by these tribes to Daramulun is a question of definition : Mr. Lang contends it is. It is true that Mr. Howitt says of the Wiraijuri in a note: "Daramulun is in this tribe not the supreme ' master,' but the son of Baiamai, who rules everything." ^ Does Mr. Lang contend that therefore he is not worshipped ? There are analogies which may give him pause. In any case, it is not the Wiraijuri but the Kamilaroi who are said to hold that Dara- mulun is " the evil spirit who rules the night." ]\Iy own belief, however, is that the various versions of the tale and status of Daramulun are illustrations of the shifting nature of tradition rather than of any strictly speaking, dogmatic and deeply-seated tribal differences in the manner of regarding him ; and it was in this capacity that I referred to them. Let nie add, too, that if Mr. Lang tried to erect Zeus into the object of a primitive mono- theistic belief of the Greeks, I know of no reason why we should not be "humorous " about him (p. xx), or, in other words, expose the inconsistencies and the impossibility of the contention.

Ahone affords a tempting subject. But here it is Professor Tylor who is challenged, and I shall not presume to intrude into the controversy. I will merely note a rather important misprint of " race " for " age " on page xxxiii.

E. Sidney Hartland.

' Journ. Anthr. Inst., vol. xiii., pp. 433, 452.