Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 11, 1900.djvu/510

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November 5th, mock combat on, Mailborough, 21

Nubians ridiculed in Cairene stories, 356

Numeria or Arabia, in Greek charm, 146

Nursery rh)Tnes, Cairene, 383

Nursery song, Hindu, 219

Nusmeta, the Piouse of Myths, house of gods of Bella Coola Indians, 300

Nuts, magic, in Greek folktale, 344

Nutt, A., reviews by, Carmichael's Ca7-mi7ia Gadelica, 419-21 ; Klop- per's Folklore in England und Amerika, 3 1 2-3 ; Kohler's A7ez;;£?£ Schriften, 104 ; Campbell's Super- stitions of the Highlands and Islajids of Scotland, 422-3

Oak tree, Stettin, 82

Obituaries ; Miss Mary H. Kingsley, by L. T. Smith, 348.50 ; Rt. Hon. F. Max Mliller, by W, Crooke, 459-60 ; Lieut. -Gen. Pitt-Rivers, by G. L. Gomme, 185-7

Obituary notices : Dr. Brinton, 52-3 ; Mr. Grant Allen, 53-4

Obizuth, child-stealing witch, 158-60

October, hare hunted, Llanfechain, 250 ; 1st, squirrel hunted, Wot- yaks, 251

Odam, see Lilith

Odin, see Othin

Ogresses and ogres in Greek folk- tales, 1 15-9, 341-4, 453 ; in Grettis Saga, 406, 410, 413

Oil, to consecrate sacred stones, 198

Ojibways, nianitous of, 59

Oldenburg, dog's tail cut to pro- tect from witchcraft, 457 ; mag- pie shot to avert flies, 255

Olive tree, in Rumanian charm, 14 1 ; in Greek charms, 143, 147

Omaha Indians, origin of totems of, 59 ; behef about blood, 180

Omens, from animals, 246; from coffee, 381 ; from smoke and fire, 18 ; of death, Wiltshire, 344-5 ; of fall avoided, Marathi tale of, 99 ; of fate of patient from floating of dish, island of Lewis, 446 ; W. Scotland, 422

Ontario, Archaological Reports, i8g8-g, reviewed, 190-3

Ossory, wolf clan, 232

Othin, cult of, 81-8, 282-3

Overlooking, see Evil eye

Owl, in clan legend ofN.W. Canada, 63 ; caught and carried round, W. England, Valentine's Day, 251 ; hunted, Suffolk, 251 ; respected, Mecklenburg, 241 ; sacrificed locally, 253 ; transformed man, 236

Ox, black, respected, Germany, 241 ; carried in procession, 258; black, dies with owner, 237 ; eaten cere- monially, 259 ; in folktales, 204 : in Cairene folktale, 395 ; in Rumanian charm, 131

Oxfordshire : {see also Kidlington) ; deer feasts, 260 ; deer hunted, Whitsuntide, 250

Oxyrrhinchus or binni fish, Cairene saying of, 383

Paedopnictria, see Gylo

Painswick dog pie, 259

Palmyra (Pa.), divining rods for metals, 434-5

Pamphlets presented to Folklore Society, see Books

Panjab, prevalence of Krishna wor- ship in, 2

Papers read, 39, 42, 44, 183-4, 225-6,

353 Pariahs and Hanumiin, 218 Paris Exhibition, 1900, Folklore

Congress at, 126, 427-33 Parsis, fling nail parings out of doors,

99 Partasah, see Lilith Partridge, feathers not used in bed,

243 Partinamit, Guatemala, black ora- cular stone at, 34 Paton, W. R., Cropping Animals'

Ears, 456-7 ; Folktales from

/Egean, 113-9, 333-44, 452-6;

Folklore from Calymnos, 221 ;

Medical Superstition : Snakes, 321 ;

Month-names, 209 Patrota, see Lilith Pays rouchi, tit killed, 256 Pawang or medicine man, Malay,

307 Peacock, sacrificed to Woden,85 Peacock, E., Sunwise Processions,

220 Peacock, F., review by, Spence's

Shetland Folk- Lore, 316 Peacock, M., The Bumble-bee in

Magic, 438 ; More Snake Lore,