Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 13, 1902.djvu/484

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Fowls : black, cut open and applied for pneumonia, Bloemfontein, 182 ; white, sacrificed at " long ju-ju," Niger delta, 167

Fox : in fable, replaced in Outer Hebrides by cat, 33 ; possession by, Japan, 149 ; witch takes shape of, Kirtlington, 289

France : {see also Aire ,• Artois ; Charente ; Dordogne ; Houneal ; Normandy ; Seine; and Yonne) ; dolmens and prayers for lover or child, 235 ; Druidism and bards in Gaul, 324-5 ; north-east, white dog in harvest sajdng, 179 ; village sobriquets, 383-4

Fraser's island : belief in ghosts and devil, not god, 19

Frazer, J. G. : communication by, 77-9 ; The Golden Bough discussed by E. W. Brabrook, 14-6 ; views on totemism discussed, 348-9, 359- 64

Freer, Miss A. Goodrich-, see Good- rich- Freer, Miss A.

French folklore, see France

Friday : {see also Good Friday) ; evil spirit or polong fed on, Malays, 148 ; five next after Good Friday, baking blest and washing cursed, Kennet Valley, 423 ; sheep not killed on, Hebrides, 42

Frisians: St. Willibrord, 215

Frith or horoscope, casting, Hebri- des, 47-50

Frog : village sobriquet, Houneal,


Fruits in folklore : (see also Apple ; Banana ; Lemon ; and Lime- fruit) ; charms to increase produc- tiveness of, Malay Penin., 160-1 ; in "vessel cup," Yorks. , 94-5

Fruit-trees : magic ceremonies to make more productive, Malays,

Frumity : eaten at Yuletide and

shearing, Lincolnshire, 92 Frumity flower, see Cuckoo-flower Fuarag, Hallowe'en dish, Hebrides,

Fulham, folk-etymology of, 203-4 Funeral customs and beliefs, see

Death and fimeral customs and

beliefs Funeral in dream sign of wedding,

Hebrides, 51 Fuoitrag, shell, Hebrides, 37

Future life, beliefs about, see Death and funeral customs and beliefs

Gadhiok Sheikhs, re-marry after first

birth, 279 Gainsborough : different medicines

blended, 182-3 Gairloch : no one drowned while sun

visible, 61 Galway county : folktales, 221 Games : Argyllshire, 26 ; China,

108-9 ) Hebrides, 56 ; papers on,

in 1900, 23-4 ; Staff'ordshire, 107 ;

Torres Straits, 103 Gandu-gwalagh, Balochi tribe, 259 Ganjam : fire-walking, 90 Garden of Hesperides, see Hesperides,

Garden of Garland Day at Castleton : Addenda,

by S. O. Addy, 313 Garmaf : tomb of Balochi hero, 273 Garnet : as charm, N. India, 342 Gaster, M., The Letter of Toledo,

114-34; short notice by, Schwarz-

feld's CilihiMoise, Practica si apro-

potcrile lui, Vestitul in Teara

romaneasca, dfc, 11 1-2 Gateshead : Easter Monday custom. 250 Gatherings, cure for, Kennet Valley,

420 Gaul, see France

Gaya : in Indian ghost story, 282-3 Geasa, see Taboos Geawe-gal tribe : human and animal

spirits akin, 364-5 Gelert (Llewellyn's hound) : Baloch

legend, 266 Gems, see Jewels Genii, see Jinns Germany : {see also Elsass ; Hesse ;

Darmstadt ; Holstein ; Prussia ;

Treves ; Westphalia ; and Wtirtem-

berg) ; cakes for mad dogs, 96 Ghosts : avenge injury to tomb,

Sahara Arabs, 287-8 ; charms

against, Wyke. 2, 92-4 {plate) ;

ethical value of idea, Australia, 20 ;

Fraser's island aborigines, 19 ;

High Fernley Hall, 94 ; An Indian

Ghost Story, by W. Crooke, 280-3 ;

Kennet Valley, 420. 423, 428 ;

Kabi tribe, 19 ; laid in sheep- folds, Kennet Valley, 429 ; Malay,

135-6; St. Briavel's, 175 Ginger-plant : in incantation, Malays,

138 Gipsland tribes, sec Kurnai tribes