Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 20, 1909.djvu/622

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Wer-beasts : tiger, Assam, 413; wolf, Brittany, 208, China, 520, Scan- dinavia, 321

Werner, Miss A. : The Bantu Element in Swahili Folklore, 385, 432-56 ; review by, — HoUis' The Nandi : their Language and Folklore, 246-8

Western Australia : {set also Albany ; Blackwood river ; Cape Chatham ; Esperance Bay ; Kimberley ; Mount Barker ; aud Mount Johnston) ; The Death Customs of the Abori- gines of Western Australia, and the Spirits, by J. Ceredig-Davies, 93-4 ; Folklore Notes from Western Aus- tralia, by R. H. Mathews, 340-2

Westmoreland: (see also Brough Hill); christening feast, 223 ; fooling customs, 223 ; funeral customs, 222-3 > marriage custom, 223

Weston, Miss J. L. : The History of the Destruction of the Round Table, 497-8 ; reviews by, — Verdam's Ferguut, 114-5; MacAlister's I'wo Irish Arthurian Romances, 36 1 -3

Whip: ash-tree handle against witches,


Whirlwind : spirits travel in. Lower

Congo, 477 Whistle : witch-doctor's, Congo, 3 White : devil, Lower Congo, 56-7 ;

in redeeming pledges. Lower Congo,

33 ; in secret societies, Lower

Congo, 199 White animals, see Birds ; Fuwls ;

Goat ; Ox ; Rabbit ; and Snake Whitstable : fossil teeth as amulets,


Whittlesey: "straw-bear" custom,

202-3 (plates) Whooping cough : cure for, Durham,

72, Oxfordshire, 218, Staffordshire,

221 Wicken tree, see Ash tree Willong : group of stones, I ^^ (plate) Willow-tree: "The Bitter Withy"

Ballad, by A. Lang, 86-8 ; spirit in

folk-tale, Japan, 251 Willy-wagtail : in folk-tale, Queens- land, 214-6 Wiltshire, see Devizes ; Marlborough ;

Martinsell ; Mildenhall ; Poulton ;

Roundway Hill ; Silbury ; and

Wansdyke Winchester : in Hebrew Arthur

romances, 275, 283, 285-6, 289-


Windle, Prof. B. C. A. : review by, — van Gennep's Religions Alceurs et Legendes, 515-6

Windows : as Easter-egg patterns, Roumanians, 302 (plate)

Winds : mythical beings, Andamans, 260- 1 , 264, 266 ; prognostics, Wor- cestershire, 345

Wiradjuri tribe : bull-roarer bogey and god, 95 ; folk-tale, 485, 487

Wishing : charms for, Durham, 77, Worcestershire, 346; "good luck" unlucky, Norway, 321 ; wishing wells, Worcestershire, 347

Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse meiner ethftographischen Forschungsreise in den Siidosten Deutsch-Ostafrikas, von K. Weule, reviewed, 244-5

Witch-brooches, Scotland, 231-2

Witchcraft: (see also Charms and spells; Incantations ; Magic ; Witches ; and Wizards) ; amulets against, Scot- land, 231-2; belief in, Lower Congo, 36, 46-7, 51-4, 471-2, Surrey, 491 ; charms against, Dur- ham, 73, Surrey, 491 ; dances against. Lower Congo, 466 ; from Devil, Lower Congo, 56 ; divina- tion of. Lower Congo, 62, 185, 187-8 ; fighters killed only by. Lower Congo, 39 ; liver of wizard cures bewitched, Assam, 415; need- fire destroys, Norway, 322-3; nkasa ordeal for, Lower Congo, 51-4, 187; origin of all deaths, Lower Congo, 52, 58 ; wicken-tree whip handle against, Durham, 73

Witch doctors, see Wizards

Witches : cheated by removing victim. Lower Congo, 186 ; unlucky to meet, Durham, 73

Witch-finders, see Wizards

Witch-stones : Durham, 74

Withernsea : burning property of gipsy at death, 353

Wizards: burnt, Norway, 315; ngangas, Congo, 3, 35-6, 40, 43, 52-4, 60, 1S2-8, 191-4, 197, 304-10, 464-6, 473, 477-9

Wolf, see Wer-beasts

Wolfenden, R. : Scraps of English Folklore, 489

Women : (see also Birth customs and beliefs ; Catamenia ; Conception ; Marriage customs and beliefs ; Mother-right ; and Witches) ; dis- praise of, Ireland, 365 ; unlucky as