Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 3, 1892.djvu/572

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Folk-lore Bibliography.

the paper, which deals with more than one aspect of savage life.] Mikhail Dragomanov, Slavonic Folk-tales about the Sacrifice of one's own Children. J. P. Slaveikov, Supplementary Note on Burials [in Bulgaria]. Rev. C. Harrison, Family Life of the Haidas, Queen Charlotte Islands. Extracts from Government Publications.

Archæologia, liii, i. A. W. Franks, C.B., On some Chinese Rolls with Buddhist Legends and Representations.
Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Oct. Rev. J. Healey, Prehistoric Stone Monuments of Brittany.
Journal of American Folk-Lore, V, July to September. D. G. Brinton|D. G. Brinton, Reminiscences of Pennsylvania Folk-lore. C. G. Leland, The Folk-lore of Straw. J. W. Fewkes and A. M. Stephens, The Nā-ác-nai-ya: a Tusayan Initiation Ceremony. W. W. N., Observations on Primitive Ritual. W. M. Beauchamp, Iroquois Notes. R. A. Moore, Superstitions in Georgia. J. Deans, The Doom of the Katt-a-quins. Waste-basket of Words. Folk-lore Scrap-book. Notes and Queries. Local Meetings and other Notices. Congresses at the Columbian Exposition. Bibliographical Notes.
Journal of the Gypsy-Lore Society, vi, 4. C. G. Leland, What we Have Done; Parting Words. J. Sampson, Tales in a Tent. H. v. Wlislocki, The Worship of Mountains among the Gypsies.
Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archæology, xiv, 7. P. Le Page Renouf, The Egyptian Book of the Dead, chaps. 14, 15, 16. J. Offord, jun., The Myth of Osiris and Isis.—8. P. Le Page Renouf, The Book of the Dead, chap. 17. F. L. Griffith, Fragments of Old Egyptian Stories. W. E. Crum, Another Fragment of the Story of Alexander.
Bulletin de Folk-Lore (Organe de la Société du Folk-lore Wallon), 1892, i. Goblet d'Alviella, L'intervention des astres dans la destinée des morts. A. Vierset, Contes: Psyché; Variante nouvelle: Gris loup. J. Feller, Flore populaire wallonne. E. Boisacq, Les inscriptions d'Epidaure. E. Polain, Le culte populaire de St. Donat. G. Jorissenne, Rimes des doigts. E. Monseur, Usages de culte: Clous et pingles. Bibliographie.
Mélusine, vi, 5. H. Gaidoz, Un ancêtre du quatrième état dans l'imagerie populaire; Les bons mots de la politique; Les esprits forts de l'antiquité classique (suite); Gallois d'Europe et Galoa d'Afrique. E. de Schoultz-Adaievsky, Airs de danse du Morbihan (avec musique). E. Ernault, Chansons populaires de la Basse-Bretagne. J. Tuchmann, La Fascination (suite).