Page:Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, 1655.djvu/191

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Of the MAGICK of the Ancients,

The greateftStudie of Wifdom.

In all things > as\counfel of the Lord f • and do not thou tbinf^, jpeaf^, or do any thing , wherein Cfod is not thy comfellor.

Proverbs n. He that walketh fraudulently , revealeth fe- crets : bat he that is of a faithful fpirit, concealeth the matter.

  • A %% ATE L of M A G I C K :


The fpiritual Wifdom of the Ancients,

as well Wife-men of the people of God,

as MAGI of che Gentiles : for the illuftra-

tionof the glory of God, and his

love to Mankinde.

Now firft of all produced out of darknefs into the light, againft all caco-Magicians, and contemners of the gifts of God ; for the profit and delegation of all thofe, who do truely and pioufly love the creatines of God, and do ufe them wich thankfgiving, to the honour of God, and profit of themfelves and their neighbours.


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