Page:Frances Shimer Record 38 4.djvu/21

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Helen Gaggin writes of coming to Shimer from Pittsburgh with Edith Warner. She roomed in West Hall with Myra Jocelyn and too first year college Latin. On leaving Shimmer, she graduated from Lake Erie College and worked as a laboratory technician in hospital for 13 years. For the last year she has been at the University of Pittsburgh working in the Biology Department on a Tropicalization Research program for Dr. Peter Gray. She has applied for admission to the Quartermaster Food and Container Institute to be held at Northwestern University and Chicago Institute this summer.

Dorothy Jane Hill Moore in addition to the baby, Justin, has two children, Thomas, our years old and Mary Frances, one and one-half years old.

Born in Grand Rapids, Michigan to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Perry Aument, a son, Daniel Newton, on March 30. The baby's paternal great grandmother was Sophie Shirk Perry, a student at Frances Shimmer in the earliest years of the school. She may be remembered in later life as living in Sterling, by some of our older alumnae. Her grandaughter, Sophy Perry Stone, graduated from Frances Shimmer in 1927. She is married to Captain Lowell Stone of the U.S. Navy and lives in Salt Lake City. She has two sons, William and Perry.


Doris Bragg had a visit with Helen Hults last fall in Chicago.


Lucile Wilbern McMullen is dietitian for Quantity Recipe Development at Swift and Company research laboratory, Chicago, Illinois.


Ruth Richardson Clark is director of Consumer Research of the American Institute of Baking at Evanston, Illinois. Her husband was killed during the war.

Majorie Sherman Burral moved into a new home in Lombard, Illinois, last July and is thoroughly enjoying that community. Her two daughters, Suzanne and Peggy, are registered on the Cradle Roll at Shimer's Chicago office.


Mary Waring is to teach next year in Honolulu T. H.


Marion Kelly Williams is now permanently located with her husband in Fort Worth, Texas.

Dorine Goldberg, lieutenant in the WAC, is now with the occupation forces in Frankfort, Germany.


Dorothy Smythe Swanson is joining her husband in Korea and is planning to leave about the middle of July.


Harriet Plous Mervis has written of her lovely new home in Barrington, Illinois. The new home is across the road from the farm of her husband's parents. She has one son, Mike, three and one-half years old who is "a red headed dynamo who keeps us amused and amazed." She writes that she would like about four more red headed boys and just one girl so that she can go to Shimer.

Marelene Hostetter Coxe is laboratory technician at Billings Hospital in Chicago.

Nancy Boldenweck Mertz graduated from Bradford Junior College after leaving Shimer and studied art