Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/351

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sometimes 'greed, and sometimes no—but at last they did na 'gree at a' for twa or three years—for he was aye wanting to borrow siller, and that was what she could na bide at no hand, and she was aye wanting it paid back again, and that the Laird he liked as little. So they were clean aff thegither.—And then some of the company at Gilsland tells her that the estate was to be sell'd; and you wad hae thought she had taen an ill will at Miss Lucy Bertram frae that moment, for mony a time she cried to me, "O, Becky, O, Becky, if that useless peenging thing of a lassie there, at Ellangowan, that canna keep her ne'er-do-weel father within bounds—if she had been but a lad-bairn, they could nae hae sell'd the auld inheritance for that fool-body's debts,"—and she would rin on that way till I was just wearied to hear her.—And ae day at the spaw-well below the craig, she was seeing a very bonny family o' bairns—they belanged to ane Mac-Crosky—and she broke out—'Is not