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IV HARVARD LAW REVIEW [Vol. XXXII INDEX-DIGEST References in heavy-faced type are to Notes and Book Reviews; in plain type to Recent Cases; and in italicized type to Articles. ACTIONS. See History of Law; Pleading. ADMINISTRATION. Of estates, see Executors and Admin- istrators. ADMINISTRATIVE LAW. See also Constitutional Law; History of Law; International Law. Growth of theory of responsibility of state for acts of executive ofl&cials: environment of French admin- istrative law. 467-470 Work of draft boards created by Selec- tive Service Act. 433 ADMIRALTY. See also Conflict of Laws; Maritime Liens; Seamen; Shipping. Jurisdiction: Immunity of govern- ment vessels from libel. 727 Test of jurisdiction over contracts. 853 Torts: Recovery for death in coUison at sea. 713, 727 Contracts : Right to complete voyage and earn freight after abandon- ment of ship at sea owing to submarine attack. 835 When right to freight begins. 581 Practice: Suit against nonresident enemy alien. 285 ADMISSIONS. See under Evidence. ADOPTION. See also Descent and Distribution. Specific performance of contract to adopt: right of inheritance. 854 ADVERSE POSSESSION. See also Limitations of Action; Title, Ownership and Possession. Policy and operation of the statutes of limitation. 135-147 Continuity of adverse possession: Privity and tacking between succes- sive holders. 147-159 Whether sale of land on foreclosure of tax lien interrupts adverse possession. 844, 854 AFFREIGHTMENT. See Admiralty; Shipping. AGENCY. See also Carriers; Corporations; Evi- dence; Master and Servant; Torts. Creation of agency: Distinction be- tween relation of principal to agent and of corporation to stockholder: subsidiary corpora- tions. 426 Principal's liability to third per- sons in tort: Charitable corpo- rations: liability for neghgence of agents. 293 Respondeat superior: extension of the doctrine to hold the state liable for its servants. 447-472 Scope of agent's employment as test of liability. 172 AIRPLANE. See under Trespass to Realty. ALIENS. Operation of draft regulations against aliens within ages liable for mil- itary service. 433 Status of alien enemies in the courts of a belligerent. 737 Suit in admiralty against nonresident enemy alien. 285 Naturalization of aliens: Cancella- tion of naturalization. 971 Expatriation, whether an absolute or qualified right. 160 Naturalization in time of war 163 ANIMALS. Trespass on realty by animals: Liability without proof of scienter. 420, 431 APPEAL AND ERROR. See also New Trial. Determination and disposition of cause: Unavoidable destruction of record by fire. 572