Page:Harvard Law Review Volume 8.djvu/14

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X TABLE OF CONTENTS.. NOTES — Continued, Pagb Judgment or Satisfaction 173 Jury, Court and 499 Jury a Right to Judge the Law, Has a Criminal? 494 Laidlaw v. Russell Sage (The Dynamite Case) 225 Law School, The 51, 168, 220 The Library. ; no Leisy v. Hardin, and Plumley v. Massachusetts 353 Lexow Committee 352 Libel — Against Britpsh Museum 113 Libel by Effigy 495 Libel — Privileged Occasion 53 LuMLEY V. Wagner denied 172 See 357 Maintenance 497 Malice 499 Malicious Interference with Contract 113 Massachusetts, Constitutional Dissent in 53 Necessity, an Agent's Authority by 496 New York Bar, Admission to 282 Offer and Acceptance 498 Party Walls; Quasi Contractual Rights of Adjoining Owners . . . 171 Plumley v. Massachusetts, Leisy v. Hardin and 353 Potter v. The United States 417 Power of Sale, Implied 423 Privacy, Development of the Law of 280 Privileged Occasion 53 Proposed Changes in the Bribery Laws 415 Quasi Contract, for a Saving. Does it lie ? 420 Reports, Comparative Citation of 501 Reprint, An American 279 Restraint of Trade, Contracts in 355 Rice v. D'Arville and Johnson v. Girdwood affirmed 357 See. 172 Riparian Rights 171 Sale of Goods Act (English and Scotch Law) 54 Scope of a Drover's Pass . 419 Self-defence 355 Shop Books 224 Strike Injunctions . 227 Sugar Bounty, Unconstitutionality of the 417 "Superior Servants" and Vice-principals 57 Suretyship — An Unfortu-nate Creditor 56 Swift v. Tyson versus Gelpcke v. Dubuque 415 Twice IN Jeopardy 354 Unconstitutionality of the Sugar Bounty 417 Unfortunate Creditor, An 56 Vice-principals, Superior Servants and 57 What is the Reason for our Law of Confession? 281