Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/138

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HERRINQSHAW S Penusylvauia college;



nnd since


has been pre.sident of that institution. Hefiroa,




phytjieian, uutlior,

burn Nov. 29, 1851, in New Woodstock, N.V. He is an eminent physician of Syiaeunc. N.V.; and physieiun-in-chief to the hu»pitail of the (Jood hheplierd. He has been pre-^ideut of tiie Syracuse academy of medicine; and president of the Central New Vurk iiit-dical association, lie is the author of A L'eiitury's Progress in Therapeutics. Heflin, James Thomas, lawyer, congressman, was born April U, IduU, in lx>uiiia, Ala. He was educated in the comiiioii schooU; in the iSoutiiern university; and at the college in Auburn, Ala. For two icrius he wa>

mayor of




181)4 !Mi


was register in chancery; and in 181MMU«HI was a iiiemb<.'r of the Alabama state h'gis lalure. In 11KJ2 U4 he was sventary of tinstate of Alabama. In 1!)U4-15 he was a representative from Alabama to the lifty-eiglil congress to till a vacancy; and to the liflyli

ninth, sixtieth, sixty-tirst, sixty-second aiul sixty-third i-oiigresHes as a <lemocrat. Heflin, Robert Stell, soldier, lawyer, jurist, coiigre->siiian, was Iwirii April 15, 1815,

He served in tiie Creek war I83U; and was clerk of the superior court Fayette county in 18.*JU-40. He wa.s a member of the (.•««irgia slate M-nate in 184U41. He iiiovetl to Iliuidolph county, tia., In 1844; was a iiiemlH'r of llie legislature in 1811) G4». He was ap|Kiinted judge of probate ill

.Matlisoii. (la.




elected to tiiat ullice, which he held until the state was ad mitted into the uiiiim. In 180!) 71 he was a representative to the fortytirst congress as a republican. He died .Ian. .'Jl, IDOl, in ill





In 18»n he entered the voliiiias a major and was cimimissioii••d colonel of the lifte<>ntli regiment Wiscoii sin infantry; and subsc«jueiitly was placiil ill command of a brigade. He died .S-pi. 11). ISiK;, in Cliickaiiiauga, Ga. Hegel, George White, railway ollicial of I nion Stock Yards, Chicago, HI., was liorit Die I!». 1870, in Peekskill. N.V. He was ed ncated in the public and private schools, which included an engineering course. In 11)00 he entered railway service; and since 11)11 has been chief engineer of the Chicago I unction railway. Heger, Anthony, army surjjeon, was born l>cc. 4, 1828, in Austria.* In 185« he wjis ap |M)inted assistant surgeon in tiie l iiited States army; and in 1860 became surgeon, with rank of lieutenant-colonel. In 1904 lie was a/Ivanced to the rank of brigather general in the United States army. He died ill







Matthew, clergyman, bishop, was

April 30, 1705, in' W urtemberg. l-or twenty-eight years he had the oversight of Hie eliurehes of I^ncaster county. Pa., jm alstt of tho«M» ill Maryland, retaining his scat Itorn

Crtek lown<.liip; and in wa> also county scho<d examiner.


years he was presitlent

181)7- l!Mi;l

For two

the c«mnty teach••rs' assiM-ial ion in 11)01-02 was president of lie Fanners' institute: and has lil|«-d several other positions of trust and iioiior. He is judge of the probate court t«U' Putnam Kiiiiilv; and ti->ii!e> in (Mtawa, Ohio. <»f


William Franklin, clergyman, bishop, iMirn May 1. 1857, in llerlinsville, Pa. iSSn he wa« ordaine<l to the miiiistrv; iind in l!l()2 was elected bishop of the united evangelieal church for the term of four yea rs. Heiges, George W., lawyer, statesman, was Immu May 18. 1842. in DilMnirg, Pa. Since ls»i7 he has been a memlM-r of the New York bar; and a member of the bard of the supreni» and su{)erior courts o f PennsylIn 1873-74 he memlier of the ~ Pennsylvania house of Heil,

wa> In


^^^^^^^k ^^^^^

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^ f




Cambridge. Kand<dph county, Ca. Heg, Hans C, soldi«-r. was born


the governing kiard at Uethleheiii. He iie«; Dit. 4, 17H7. in Lilitz. Pa. Heidelbaugh, Albert, M., lawyer, jurist, was Uirn Nov. 10. 1804, in I'eoria, 111. When lie six months old his parents removcti to (Miio: and he was educated in the public and private sciuKds of Lebam>n. Ohio. In 18!»0 1!M)2 lie was justice of the peace for in



in IH>'5 80 wag the last chief burgess of

York iHjrough. In 1891 he was one of the four delegates

from his

county to the constitutional contention. He died Dec, 3, IDtM), ill York, Pa. Heikes, Victor Conard, assayer. statistician,


was born May

21. 1807. in Dayton, as an assayer' and Colorado state school of he was curator of economic

He graduated





In 18!)4

^Moloyy Chicago.


the Field Columbian .Musmm of Since 1!)04 he has b»en state

statistician in charge of the Salt Lake branch of the United States geological survey. Heill, Frederick Stanhope, naval oirieer, author, was lM)rii .ug. 4, 1821). in Boston. Mj^ss. hi 1801 05 hi- ua^ an olliccr ill the I iiit«d St.ites navy; was with Farragiit at the capture of New Orleans and at

ickr.burg. and was in eonuiiand on the mist

of Texas .ind in the Missi-<-,ippi squadron, lie is si'cretary of the .Massachusetts nautical training school. He is the aullior of Twinty ^'e.1rs at Sra. «)r Leaves from .Mv Joiirnali-<t.

Old L.ig iMKiks. Heilman, William,

manufacturer, state senator, coiuire wniaii. was born Oct. 11, 1824. in t;erniaiiy. He was a representative in the Indiana .state legislature in 1870; ami was a stale senator in ls7t{. In 1871) 8:J he wa> a representative from Indiana [tt the