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the di'diiration of indt^pendence, and was the author of that ^loriouH inMtrutiifnt, which whh the foundation of AmerHe wu8 elected to a Heat in ican liberty. the N'irginia a«senihly in 1777 and 1778. In 17711-Hl .Ifffersou was republican governor of Virginia. He wa>* elected to congress in 17K3, and was chairman of the conimitteu to whom the treaty of jH'ace with England In May, 17H4, he wa» apV'tts referreil. pointed minister |)Ienipotentiary to Europe, to assist AdaniH an*l Franklin in negotiatIn ~Hri congress ing treaties of commerce. appointed him minister ph-nipotentiary to there until 17S!». France, and he remained In 17Hl>-!>4 he was si-cretairy of state. In 1707-1801 was vice-president of the I'nited States. On the 17th of February, 1801. he was eh'cted president by the house of representatives, the electors having failed to make a choice, and took the oath of ollice March 4. 1801. at Wasliington, 1). f. In 1S04 he was re-elected, and took the oath After completing of ollice March 4. 180.'». his second term he retired to Monticello, where, in the language of Daniel Webster, he lived as iM-caiiie a wise man, and died .luly 4, 182(5^ He inaugurated the system of Miiditig written messages to congress; and since tluMi no president has a<hlressetl congrisr* orally. He died so |>oor that, if congress ha*l not given .*20.(M(0 for his library, lie would have In-en Imiikrupt. llis literary nuinument is the worltl-famous DeclaOther writing of ration of Independence. his are. Notes on Virginia; Rights of Brit(IrafttHl

ish America; and Manual of Parliamentary Practice. A ten- volume edition of his works was published in ISJt'i.

Jefferson, Paul, Minn.,

Rufus C, lumbernmn of was born A|»ril 24. 1843.

St. in

He served through the N.V. war in the lirst New York dragoons. For seventeen years he was engaged in the lumU^r business in Woodstock, III., and in

(jainesville, civil

1872-74 lie

was mayor

has lived

of that city.

Since 1873

St. Paul as a member of .lelferson and Kasson. propriin

the firm of etors of pine lands and lumber merchants. He was one of the three commissioners of the million dollar fund of the Northwest for the maintenance of disabletl and retired ministt-rs.

Jeffrey, Edward Turner, railroad presiwas born April 0, 1843, in Liverpool, England. In IH.">»5 he began the railway servin ice with the Illinois Central railroad; 1877-8.') was general 8U|H>rintendent an<l in Since 18JU lHS.')-8(» was gen«'ral numager. been president of the Denver and lie has Rio Orande railroad; and also presi<lent of the Rio (Grande western pacilic railway, with headijuartcrs in New York City. Jeffords, Eliza, lawyer, jurist, congressman, was born May 23, 1826, in Ironton,



settled in Mississippi in 18tM; and was jud;.'e of the high cnurt of errors In au)! appeals ot the state in lS(iH-(»'.). ISH3 S.') he was a representative from Mis-


to the forty-eighth congress h» a He die»l .March lt», 188.>, n rei>ublican. N'icksburg. .Miss.


Joseph Andrew, manufacturer Jeffrey, invent<»r t»f C»)lumbu». Ohio, was born In IS-VS18;1G, in Clarksville. Ohio.


.Ian. 17.



he was cashier in bank of Columbus,

Ohio; and in


was cashier and jmrt owner of the Commercial bank of Columbus. Ohio. In 18<>({he was a fourth




Rick ley.

the lirm of



Company, wholesale and retail carpet and furnishing, of Cincinnati, Oliio. In IS7S he






of Columbus, Ohio; and in 1883 becanu' presi<lent and general manager of that company. In 1878 less than a dozen men were emphiyed in the manufacture and sale of the .JelFrey un<ler-cutting coal mining machines. Tiie manufacture of other classes of machinery was gradually added, such as the air power and electric

power coal mining

drills, electric locomochain belting conveyors, also elevaand crushers. In 1907 the company was employing more than three thousatui men. He has inv«"nte«I a numU'r of devices ctmnected with the .Jeffrey's undercutting coal and mining machines, drills and special chains manufactured by the


tors, decorators

company. Jeffrey, Mrs. Rosa Vertner, author, poet, was born in 1H2« in Natdiez. Miss. She was the author of Pm-ms by Rosa; FloreiK-e N'ale; The Crimson Hand, and Other Ponns; Marah, a novel; and Woodburn, a She died Oct. 8, 18U4, in Lexington, novel.

Ky Jeffrey, William H., educator, jurist, author, was born in I8»i7 in Kennebunkport,


lie has held the offices of tax asmoderator, superintendent of schools is state councilor for the stat«' council of N'ermont of the .Junior oriler I'nited American Mechanics. He is the author of several valuable biographical and historical works; is historian of the Vermont legislature; and resides in East Hurkc, st's-or,

and justice; and

Vt. Jeffries, Benjamin Joy, physician, author, was iMU-n .March 2(1, 1833, in Boston, Mass. He is ophthalmic surgciui to the Massachusetts eye and ear intirmary of Boston, .Mass. He is the author of Color Blindness, its Dangers and its Detection; The Eye in Health and Disease; and Diseases


the .Skin. Jeffries,


colonial governor. In colonial governor of Vir-





Jeffries, Millard Dudley, educator, elergyjiresidcnt, was born Nov. 18,

num. colU'ge

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