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N.Y. For four veiirH he wax city attorney of Milwaukee. Wis.; was «iefeale«l on the •leniocratic ticket for governor of Wisconsin in 187J': and received the denjocratic vote

the le>;islature





s4'nator in ISSl. He wa-* I nited Stales district judj^e of the eastern di->trirt of Wis(onsin in ISSSII.i: and in lH!i:t l!HI2 he was

judjje of the I iiited States j-ircuit court lor the seventh circuit of Wisconsin. Jenkins, John, pioneer, was l>orn Feb. 15, 1728, in Fast (Jreenwich. He was an ori^iinil (iroprietor of the Susquehaniui company. He was a teacher, surveyor and iMUiveyaneer. justie«' of the peace, and president of tlie first county court at Wyoiniriff in 1777. Hi* died in NovemlM-r, 1784. in IN-nuoylvania. Jenkins, John, soldier, state le}»islator,

was horn Nov. Conn.

in New l/mdon. Wyoming with his






father in 17<5JI: and hecame an active participant in the rennaniite war and tiie revolution, in which he was a lieutenant. He was suhsei|Ucnt ly elected major and colonel of militia. sherilT and rnendM-r of assenddy. He died March 1!». 1827. in Wy(»minp. I'a. Jenkins, John James, soldier. lawyer, jur-

congressman, was


Ixirn Auj;. 2n. 18-i:{, In 18.»2 he settled in Harahoo.

in Fngland.

Wyoming he



He served in the civil war in the sixth rejjiment Wisc<»nsin infantry. He was a member of the state

f of

and he attended

Wis. the

assenddy from Chippewa county: and he was county judge of



was liiirn dan. 211. l/'J'.l, in i(arre, .Mass. For six years he was district attorney of Hneida ii'tunty. N.Y. In 184.')-40 and 18.')|he was a representative to the twentyninth, thirl ietli and thirty-second congresses. He died IK'c. 24. 18.15». in Martinsburg. N.Y. Jenkins, William M., lawyer, governor, .'t.i

was burn


Has a


and Calhoun: New York: History Tolk

War with Creat IlritSilas Wright. He died Weedsporl. N.Y. Jenkins, Lemuel, congressman, was born HIiMiminglon. ..Y. in In 182:1-25 he was representative from New York to the a eijihteentli eongre-s. He died in N'ew York. denkins, Micah, soldier, was born in 1836 in ri-'disto

Life of



Island, .S.C.


nel of




Cenerals nf the Last

ain; and Sept. 20.

He was

elected ctdo-

South Carolina


Whatcom, consoli-

dation of Sehome and Whafc<im he was

He was the author

Political History of of the Mexican War;


ami after the

Jenkins, John Stilwell, lawyer, journalist, author, was Immu I'di. l.'i. ISIS, in .M

of riie Heroines of History; Lives of the IJovi-rnors of New York: i.ives of .laeks<m.

.Mliain-e, Ohio.

the Pioneer oi Kansas; in 1882 he was city editor of the Seattle Chronicle, and in 188:j established the Whatcom Reveille. In 1887 1888 and he was


lawviT and



Cnite«l .states attorney for the territory President tJrant. In 18!»,"»-

i'any, N'.Y. He was a nalist of Wei'd^jiort. N'.Y.


that county. In 187i( lie w a s appointed



In 187.'t-77 he attended the Mount I'nion college at .Mliance. nhio. In l87ii-78 he taught sehiMd in Stark county. Ohio; and in 1880 move<l to Shelliy county, lowa. In ISH.i he was ailniilted in the praetii'e of law: and in 18S4 moved to Ivansas. In 1888 he was a delegate to the republican was appointed milional cnnM-nt ion iind special allntling agent by President Harrison. He allotted the Silelz Indians in Hregon and he Pawnees in Oklahoma. In 189:i be iii<»id to okhihoma; and in 18!I7 lOOl was si-crelary of Oklahoma territory. In l!Mi| n:; he was governor of Oklahoma. Jenkins, Will D., journalist, secietary of stale, was l.orti Ajiril 21. 18.»2. in Pekin, 111. During 1872-82 he edited and published

representative from Wisthe fifty fourth, fifty-fifth, fiftysixth, fifty seventh, fifty eiglitli. lifty ninth and sixtieth congresses as a republican. He dicil .Fune II. liMl. in Chippewa Falls. Wis. r.toi»



the opening of the civil war; and was pro moted to In igadier general. He nn>t his death, from his nwn men, by mistake, .May •i. I8ii4. in Wilderness, a. Jenkins, Robert, congressman, was born in Penn>ylvania. In I8ii7-ll he was a representative to the tenth and elevenin eonj»i,-.>es. He dit>il in Pennsylvania. Jenkins, Thornton Alexander, naval oflicer. was iMirii Dir. Orange 11. 1811, in. county, a. He entere/l the navy in 1828; was a eo.nuKMliire in ISiSiS; and rear atlmiral in 1870; and retired alNiut ISSO. He diisl . «. !». |S!»:;. in Washington, D.C. jK.'nkins, Timothy, lawyer, eongrcssnum, at

Cliampion, a He has fiileil




Whalcom. Since 1802 he has conducted The populist paper of Whatcom.

numerous oflices of public trust; and in 1807 1901 was secretary of stale of Washington. He dieil in 1007. Jenks, Almet Francis, lawyer, jurist, was .May 21, 1 S.I.J, in Hrooklyn. N. Y. In he was corporation counsel of Brooklyn. N'.Y.: nml in I89I O.'i was judge-advoale general of N>w York. In 1898 he became associate jusiice of the supreme court of New tirk for the second district for term expiring in 1012. Jenks, Edward Augustus, journalist, auiK.rn 1



thor, poet,


l)orn Oct. 30,

1830, in


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