Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/394

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HERRlNaSllAWii LlBKAltV UF AMERICAN iilOGHAi'Uy. the formation in 18fi3 of the Aiiii'ricaii wouil-puptT company, with patent rights for the United States and privikfliis in other lands. Me died Nov. 2, 1883, In Highland




Eec% William

Willianu, educator,


Jiin oian, surgeon, author, waa born 1837. in Philadelphia. He is an nuiiKnt Philailfl]>hia surgeon; ami professor of surgi'ry at fletriTson int'dieal college, since 18S1), He is the autimr of Keflex I'aralysis; dnn>lioi Wounds; I'linical Chart of tlu- llunian liody; Complications and Sequels of t on tinuou8 Fever; Early History of Practiail Anatomy; Aini-riean Text-Bocdc of Surgeiy,

and many journal articles. Keeoaii, Henry Francis, so]di<>r, journalist. author, was horn Miiy 4. IS J1>. in Uucln stcr. >j.Y. Ue served in the union army during the eivil war. He is the author of The Money-Makers, a Social Prohlcm; Trajan, the History of a tientimental Young Man; Aliens; One of a Thousand; and The Iron (Jattic


Keeaan, Thonuw JohnstOfl^ soldier, jourwas bom Nov. 22, 1859, in He was prrsidcnt and founPittshurg, Pa.

nalist, founder,

der of the Fubliahers' press association; was vice-president of the League of American whet-Imen in IKHS. and ])rr-,i(li>nt of -airi' in 18UD. In 1884 he founded the 1'ilt.sburg l^resii. of which he has always l>een editor. Ill' raised forty thousand dollars liy jxipular suhscription and built the Pittniiurg newsboys* home.

Keene, Laura, actress, was horn in IS'20 She mad(> her first appearance in Kngland. in 1852 in Wallark'n theater of New York The Laura Kcfiie company, with city. I^iura Kc«-n<>. .lost-ph .lctr«'rHon and Kdward A. Sotln 11 III the leading roh's, was playing Our American t'ousin at Ford's th(>ater of Washington on April 14, 18G5, when President Lincoln ni<-t his death. She died 1







.Monti lair, N..T.

Thomas Wallace,

l)orn Oct. 20.

Ue waa





he was emhy a (h-alcr in hops. In 1803 he made '"^^ appearance • speaking part on the stage; and then played in stock companies in Canada and Roehester. N.Y. He ployeil


^^ (flB







New York

1840. in

educated in the puidic sduxiis of his


attor. tragedian,

.SSm "^^^


a(hanct.I to the position of leading juvenile man; and was rvtrage<l in the Newark theater in New York City. In 18HU he l>eeame a light comedian in Cincinnati. Ohio; an<l ail]"':! r<'<l in Ovi^rland Mail; Tin* Strcffof .( u ^ork; riie Last Family: and many other jdays. In 18<if>-74 he was leading man in Woods museum of New York City. Ue wa'^



toured England for a year; and was then engaged in iSan Francisco, Cal. Ue died Jnne 1, 1898, in New York City. Keener, John Christian, elergynum, bishop, author, was horn Feb. 7, 1819, in JIalliniore. .Md. in 18U1 04 he was superin« tendent of ehaplains in the confederate army est of the .Mississippi river. Since 1870 l.f has iM'en hishop of the .Methodist episco[al ehureh, soutli. of New Orleans, La. In l.sT.'S he founded a mission in Mexico. He was the author of The Post Oak Circuit. He died in New Orleans. La. Keener, William Albert, lawyer, lecturer, atithor. was Imrn .March 10. lH.'»(i, in Augusta, Maine. He is dean of the school of LaW and Kent professor of law in Columbia university of New York City, lie is the author of Treatise on Quasi -Contracts; Selected Cases on Ktpiity Jurisdiction; Selections on the KhMuents of .Turisprudence and Selections of Cases on the Law of Private Ckir


Keep, Albert, railroad presiilent. was born April 30, I82U, in Homer, N.Y. In 1873-87 and in 1887-1901 was rltairman of flie Intard of dins-tors of tlie Chicago an<l northwestern railroad company. He was a director of that oorporation; a directf)r of thi> Lake shore and Michigan s<»uthern railroad; and a trustee of the Merchants' loan and trust company of f'hieago III. He died May 11, I'Xi: Keep, Henry, railroad president, liiuuu ier, was l>r)rn in 1HI8 in JelTerson county. N.Y. In 1861-03 ho was treasurer of the Michigan southern railroad; and for six months was presiilent <»f the New York central railroad. In lS4j8-60 he was president of the Chicago and northwestern railroad ; was eontndling manager of the North Indiana railroad; and president of the Cleveland & Tol4>do railroad. He died July 30, 1860, in he was president:


^'ork City.

Keep, John, clergyman, was born April 20, 1781. in Long Meadow, Mass. Soon after his election as a trustee of Oherlin. he gave as pri'sident of the Intard the easting vote and admitted colored students. He was the surviving founder of the American last iKNird of etmuni.-»sioner.s for foreign mi.ssions. He died Feb. II, 1870, in Oberlin, Ohio. Keep, Josiah, educator, author, was bom in 184Si in .Massachusetts. He is an educator of California. He is the author of Common Sea Shells of California; and West Shells,

Ke^, Robert

Porter, educator, diplomat, April 20. 1^^44. in Farm' ISS.j he heeanie [irineipal Ot the Norwich free academy. In ISOO 71 ho was l'nite<i states consul at .thens. (treece. He was the author of Stories from llercMlotus; Essential I ses of Mo«m1s in iiuthor,



ington, Conn.

Greek and



Lessons; and Homdied in 1004 in Nor-

I.«atin; fJreek

eric Dictionary.



Keep^ William John,



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