Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/396

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was horn Mareli 20, ISl'.S. in La KayUe was eUucatctl iit the public vite, ind. schools of his native city; at He Pnuw uiiivfvsity; and at the d-pai titu'iil <>f niedii-ini' und surgery of the uiuver»ity of Miilii^'an. He has been ejre, ear, nose and throiit snr u.on to St. Eli/Jilxth hospital; t<> St. .lo.•ji'ph orphan asylum ; to the Childn n « home to the Indiana state soldier's home; to St. . l]iony'>< home for the n<:M: and to the He lias hi-tuied on the eye. peU!»ion bureau. he truinin^; school t«r, nose and tliroat at Hlizalx-tli ho-^pital; for nnrses of tl' "^t AMtl at the hospiial of the hxliaua state In ISO!) he was Iwieteriolosoldier's home. gist to the experiinentar i«tation of Purdue Hits 1909 wan alumni university ; antl in He is the autrustee of that institution. thor (if nuini Toi's medical niono;;raphs.




Keiser, Edward Harrison, educator, author, was horn Nov. 20, 1861, in Allentown. he was professor of cliemislit ^'^*'.") l*a. t

vii Mavvr eo||ej;e; and siiic!> IN!)'.) Washington university of St. I.oni-. Mo. is the author of Lalwratory Woric in

rv at




Chemistry. KcUttr, Abraham L., manufacturer, congrcasman. was born Sept. 10. 1S.»2. in Kayette county. Pa. He is enj?ii;4ed in the manufacture of coke. In lOHl l.'i lie was a Uiemher of the sixty-third conjjrress.

Keith, Adelphus Bartlett, juurnuliijt, pubwas born April 24, 1855, Appleton, .t the aye of liftet-n years he harned the printer's trade; ami devoted his time to variotis branches of newspaper work. He edited und published the i'.iillrtin of In 1884 he was itllernale Denihon. Iowa. delegate to the democratic national conven* lion at Chicago. HI. lisher,


Keith, Charles Penrose,






lawyer, in



For a short time he was of Pa. the historical .society of Pennsylvania; and ill lvS89-03 he was cnief clerk of the TnittHl States appraiser's ollice. He is the author of The Provincial ("ouneillors of Pennsylvania and Their D< scendants ; and The Ant^niry of Benjamin Harrison, and Notes on Families lUdated. Keitb, Dora Wheeler, painter, artist, was She born Marcli S, IKiiO. in .lamaica. X. has luaile a sjiecialty of jiortrait paintin;;. .




iiitcd port rait » of S.iiimic!

cns; Frank .Stoeklon: Colonel William Dean Huwclls. ,She national academician. Keith, Edson, lawyer, civil







vice nre<idcnt



uunil>er liinds;

president. of musical

Keith brot1icT<


is the roniposer of n pr<Mluctions of various

and a contributor to magazines on

various topics.

of Kinsr Philip,




Keith, Melville C, phyt^iciun, scientist, auwas bom Sept. 16, 1835, in Augusta, Maiiu He served in the navy as actinfl ensi;^ until the end of the civil war. He was a noted physician and scientist of Ohio. He is the author of Diphtheria an«l Membraneous Croup; Child-Hirth an«l ( iiild; Diseases of Cliihlren; Seven Studies for Young Men; and Young f^idies' Prival*- Counselor. He died in 1!)()4 in Helleville, Ohio. Keith, John Alexander Hull, educator, college president, author, was iKirn Nov. 2S, 18(50, in Homer, 111. Tn 18sn lOOtt he was |:rofesHor of pedagogA* nnd assistant in psychology at the Northern Illinois state normal school; and since 1907 has been president of the stale normal school of Oshkosh. Wis. lie is the author of Elementary Education. Its Processes and Problems. Keith, James, lawyer, jurist, was born Sept. 1, 1839, in Fauquier county, Va. Uc practiced law in Warrington, Va.; and in 1S7(1 became a judge. He is chief justice of the state supreme court of appeals of Virginia for the term of 1000-10. Keith, Nathaniel Shepard, electrical engineer, invi-nlor, author, was born July 14, 1838. in Boston. Mass. Tn 1884 he was the organizer and first sornfMry of the .merican institute of electrical engijieers. He is now mining and mctallnrgic expert with tho


ArlingfoTi coop'^r miTipany of Arlinu'ton, N.-f. He is tile aiitlior of Magnetic and Dynamollleetric

Macliiriis. church in CJeorgetown. D.C. Tfe was the author of several religious works. He died Sept. 3, 1842. in Sheldon, Vt.

company, the wellUiiMwn wholesale inilliii cry bouse of ( hica^'o. 111.; nnd in 1897-10"!





was Ixjra dune 27, lH»i2. in t hi<'a<»o. and is a son of Edson Keith. In 1897 cutiie

Keith, Eliza D., author, poet, was born in in San Francisco, tJal. She is the aupoem entitled. Our Flag, written durintr lie war. Keith, George £., manufacturer, banker, u i> born Feb. 8, 1850, in Brockton, Mass. In 1S74 he was a manufacturer of men's shoes; and was thc first shoe manufacturer to send representatives to Australia and Xew Zealand. He was president of the Hroi'kton national bank; and director of the Thinl national bank of Hoston. Mass. Keith, James, pioneer, clergyman, was bom in 1643 in Scotland. Tn 1062 he came to Hoston, Mass.. and was the first ordained minister of the church at Bridgewater, Mass. His pastorate continued over half-century. He owned a one fifty-sixth pioprielary interest iu all the lands at Bridgewuter. In 1676 he saved the lives of the wife and son IS.")4

thor of the

Keith, Reuel, clergyman, author, was born .Fune 2<j, 17ni. in Pittsford. Vt. For many years he was re» tor of a Protestant episco-




Hay and an assmdate




Keith, William, colonial govern<ir. author, was jiorn in ICiSi*. in Scotland. For a time or -eneral he was surv of customs in .meriea: in 1717-2tJ was c<ilonial Rovernor of Pennsylvania: and in 1721-3(1 wri< colonlb'iio auial governor of Delaw.ire. thor of The History of the British Pianta* •

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