Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/397

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MO tiorus in

America, part relating

and other worlca of 1740. in Keitt,



to Virginia;

died Nov. 17,

Keller, Arthur Ignatius, illustrator, artist, was born July 4, 1800. in New York City. educated at the national academy of design and also at



Lawrence Massillon,



congn'ssman. was born O't. 4, 1824, Orangeburg. S.C. In 184.3 he graduated from the South Carolina collepo and l>egan He was to practice law at Orangeburg, S.C. elected to the South Candina state legisla-





a gold nie<lal from the Philadelphia art club; in 1900 rei-eive<l a silver medal from the Paris ex|>osition in 1902 received the Evans water color prize; and in 1904 n'ceive<l

In ]fi5'.i he was a ri'pn'.«*eiitative from South Carolina to lh»! thirty-third, ture in 1848.

thirty-fourth, thirty-fifth and thirty-sixth congresses. .Fust bof«ire Ifaviiig congress ho was ele<"ted to the HiH.*i«<ling convention of South Carolina. lie starved as a colonel in the confederate service. He was killed .June 4, 1864, in the battle of Virginia. Keliher, John Austin, journalist, legislator, congre.ssnmn, was born Nov. 0. 1800. in Boston, For many years he has been successfully engaged in journalistie work and is a real estate dealer. In 1896-U7 and ISO'J1!KM» »erve<l as a member of the Ma.s.suehusetts state legislature. In l!)n3-ll he was a representative from .Massarhusetis to the






congresses ;is a demcx nit. Kellar, Andrew J., soldier, laver. journalist. Ihiring the war he was in the «>onfederate service; an<l serv<Kl as captain, lieutenant-colonel, and colonel of the fourth regiment of the Tennessee infantry in 1801-5. He is now one of the leading lawyers of South Dakota at Hot Springs; and a wellknown journalist. Kellar, Ezra, cli-rjryman. college pn'si<lt'nt. was horn .Tune 12. 1812. in Middleton valley. Md. In 1844 he established Wittenberg ct)Ilege of Springfield. Ohio, serving as its president till his death. He died Dec. 29. 1848. in Springfield. Ohig. Kellar, Harry, actor, magician, was horn July 11. 1849. in Erie. Pa. He has played through South America. Africa. Australia. India. China. Philippine Islands and .Ja|»an and since 1884 he has performe<l in h'ading first


ciety (Queries in Ethnography and Essays in Colonization. Keller, Benjamin Franklin, lawyer, jurist, was tiom .pril 21. 1857. in Hoalsbiirg. Pa.

In 1882-1901 he practiced law. In 1901 he became judge of the ITnite<l States district court f«ir the southern distri<t of West Virginia.

gold and from the



St. Louis exposition. Among his best works are At

Leafl. Kindly Light 'i'he Sisten* The Finishing Touches; and has also illustrated Hiel Harle's Stories; The IjCgend of Sleepy Hollow; and various other works. Keller, Edward, chemist, metallurgist, scientist, was boni .March 10, 1867, in Sauk City. Wis. Since 1893 he lias been a representative of the . a<-onda i*opper mining comiiany and also of the Utah consolidated mining <-ompany of Baltimore and Perth .mlK)y. N.J. He is a fellow of the Ameri-. can association for the advancement of science and has made valuable researches in chemistry. Keller, Elizabeth Catharine, educator, physician, was born April 4. 1837, near Gettysburg, Pa. After re<-eiving her e<]ucation she taught in the state school for soldiers* orphans, in I>ancastcr. Pa. then entered the Woman's moilical college of Pennsylvania, in I8(i8. and gnuluated from that institution in 1871. In 1871-75 she was attending physician and surgeon of the Woman's hospital in Philadelphia then resident physician and surgeon to the New England hospital for w*)men until 1877 and ever since has l)een senior surgeon of that hospital. Since 1889 she has b<'eu a member of the Boston school


lM>n rd.

Emil E., civil engineer, manufacwas born Oct. 16. 1863. in New York educated in the public and privati- sclioids of Rochester, N.Y. He worked Keller,


Kellen, William Vail, lawyer, author, was born July 3, 1852. in Truro.Mass. In 188802 he was r(«i>orter of the decisions of the supreme judicial court of MiisHa<-husetts. He is the author of Index-Digest of .Ma.'csachusotts IleiKirls; and New Index to PubStatute of Massachusetts. li«' Keller, Albert Galloway, educator, scientist, author, was born .April 10. 1874. in Springfield. Ohio. Since 1907 he has been professor of science of so<-iety at Yale university. He is the author of Homeric so;


turer, city.

He was

at the machinist's trade to

through various steps

manager of the Chicago

office of the .inerican construction company. He then became electrical engineer of the department of electri<'ity at the World's fair in 1893. which |K>sition he subsequently resigned to assume uuinagemeut of the Westiughouse liiiliting contract at the World's fair. Since 1894 he has been vice-president of the Westinyliouse nia<*hine <-ompany of Pittsburgh. Pa. Keller, Harry Frederick, educator, chem-


ist, author, was bom Dec. 15. 1861, in Philadelfdiia. Pa. Since 1881 he has been assayer and chemist in various iron and metalhirgii-al works; and since 1892 has l>een professor of chemistry at the Central high school of Philadelphia. Pa. He is part author of Experiments in (leneral Chemistry.