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Helen Adams,

iittoratour. author,

was born Juhl* 27, 188U, in Tuscunibiu, Ala. hue in a writer for Youtlis' Companion and the Indies'




Home is

and oth«'r nuigaauthor of The Story of



Life; and Optimism, an Essay.

Keller, Herbert P., hivy«'r





gra<luated with the degriH' of LL.B. from the univi-rsity of .Minnesota; and in IKOU lM>gan the practice of law in St. Paul. In 1902-03 he was ansistnnt coriKjration attorney: in llMM-lO was a member of the city counsel ; and is now

mayor of his eity. Keller, John William, journaViHt, author, was iKjrn .Fulv T). 18.)l!. in HourlHin countv, Ky. In 1879 he began journalism in New York City as a reporter; and Iweanie dmniatie critic, editorial writ«'r an«l mana^in^ eilitor; and was twice elected president of the New York press club. In 18H8 1002 he was president and commissinricr of public charities of New York. Tangled Lives, a jday. Keller, Joseph

man, author, was



the author of

Edward, educator, clergylH)rn


1827. in Havaria.

He was

a .Jesuit educator; president of .St. Ix)uis university. He was the author of Life and Acts of Po'pe L^-o Ho died Feb. 4, 188(5. in Home, Italy.


Kellennan, William Ashbrook, botanist, author, was born May 1, 1850, in Ashville, Ohio. .Since 1890 he has be«'n j>rofes.sor of Ijotany in the Ohio state university. He in the author of Flora of Kansas; Klem«'nlary Hotany Pliylof lieca Spring Flora of Ohio; and other works. He «lie<l alHiut 190H. Kelley, Abby, n-former, was born .Tan. l.">, 1811. in I'elliam. .Mass. She founded the Anti-Slavery Hugle; and di<l much t<»war»I orgiinizing the Webster Anti-Slavery s«x'iety. .She died ill Massaehilsetl s. Kelley, Albert Wesley, educator, author, was Uirn .Ian. 8. I8."):{. in Attica, Oliio. In I89.'J-98 Ih" was teacher and lecturer in the ChicHgo physio-medical college; and since 1002 he has Is'en <lean of Adrian college of .licliigan. He is the author of Physical Culture; Objective Ktlucation; and Manual Training. lawyer, legislator, was Kelley, Alfred, l>om Nov. 7, 1787, in Middletown, Conn, lly his exertions in 18:{fl-4:{. and chiefly on his personal responsibility, he raised a large sum of money for the dis<-liarge of the public debt. an«l thus sav4'd the state from bankruptcy. He was also active in railroad matters; and was rejyeatedly a member of the Ohio legislature. He died Dec. 2, 18.'>0. in Columbus. Ohio. Kelley, Benjamin Franklin, soldier, was born April 10, 1S07, in New liaiiiptoii. N.H. In 18r».5 he was brevette<l major gi-neral of volunteers. At the close of the civil war he was appointed collector of internal revenue for the first district of West Virginia: 1870 became superintendent of Hot in


David Campbell, clergyman, aulK>rn Dec. 2o, 1833, in Lecville, In 1890 he was a candi<late for governor of Tennessee on the prohibition ticket. He was the projector of the scheme from which came the Vanderbilt university and the Nashville college for young ladies. In 1808-90 he was presiding elder of the Nashville district of Tennessee; and was six times eK'ct«'<l to the general conference. He is the author of Short Methml with Modern Kelley,




and Htatcnman

was born

of St. Paul, Minn., in St. Paul, Minn.


.Springs reservation, Ark.; and after 1883 he was an examine" of pensions. He died .July 17, 1801, in Oakland, Md.

Doubt; Bishop of Confereni-e; and Life of .wrs. .M. L. Kelley.

Kelley, er,




Stillraan, musician, compos14, 1857, in .Sparta. Wis.


He was an organist


Oakland and San

Francisco, Cal.; and in 1890-91 conducted a comic-opera company in the eastern states. He has taught the piano- forte, organ and composition in various schools in California

ami New York; and rei'ently in the New York college of music. He is the author of numerous compositions. Kelley, Florence, journalist, author, was born .Sept. 12. 1859, in Pliiladelpliia, Pa. In 1893-97 she was stjite inspector of factories of Illinois. .She is the author of Some Kthieal (>ames llirough Li'gislation. Kelley, Hall Jackson, educator, author, lM»rn Feb. 28. 1700, in Northwood, N.H. of Boston; and organiml the first Sunday school in New Englanil. He made an unsuccessful attempt to colonize Oregon in 18.30. He was the author of (Jei»graphical Description of Oregon; Letters From an Afflicted Husband; and History of the S-tt lenient of Oregon. He died .Jan. 17, 1874, in Palmer,


He was an educator

Kelley, Harry Eugene, journalist, educalawyer, statesman, was Ijorn Dec. 27, Moines. Iowa. In 1802-94 he


1870. in* Des

was e«litor an«l publisher of the Litchfield Daily Herald of Illinois; in 1894 iK'caine teacher; a and in 1890 09 was instructor of Knglish language and literature in the state university of Iowa. Since 1900 he has practiced law in Denver. Col.; and was the auth«>r of the rail•




and ten other jmldic enactments. Kellsy, Harrison, soldier, farmer, state senator. c«iiigressman, was iHirn May 12, I83ri,






he s«'rved in the fifth Kansas cavalry volunand aiiaincd the rank of captain. He was suhse4|uently nuule briginlier-geiieral of the state tnN>ps; which he comman«led during the Indian troubles sucee<>ding the rel>elteers;