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of internal revenue for Alabama. He died in Novcniljer, 1878, in Alliance, Ohio. Kellogg, Frank Billings, educator, lawyer, was born Dec. 22, ISoH, in Potsdam. N.V. In 1877 he was admitted to the practice of law in Rochester, Minn. For ten years he was a member of the firm of Kellogg and Eaton of Rochester, Minn. He is general counsel for the Milwaukee Pacific railroad. In 1890-93 he was profes^tor of equity in the Minnesota state university.

Kellogg, Frank Woodruff, naval otlicer, was born duly 26, 1857, in Watcrbury. Conn. He was educated at Williston seminary, at



school of

Now Haven;

at1875-79 United the tcndc«l academy States naval at Anna|Mdis. Md. He served with distinction




on wveral warships; has been in the coast survey,



and served with Admiral Henham at Uio de Janeiro during tion

the Brazilian rebellion naval of 1894. For two years he was in the observatory at Washington. He served with the at woun«led was and Dewev Admiral battle of Manila Bay, May 1, 1898; and has attained the rank of lieutenant. Since 1899 he has been in the hydrographic oftice of the navy department. Kellogg, George, inventor, was born June In 184.> 19, 1812. in New Hartford, Conn. he established a manufactory of h«K)ks an<l Reditch, at machinery, American eyes, with Kngland. He testified as an PXiM«rt in noted

patent cases; and made many inventions, ineluding a machine to make jack-chain at the rate of a yard a minute. He diitl in Kng land.

Kellogg, Henry T., lawyer, jurist. In 19():» he was elected justice nf the supreme court of New York for the term ending in 1917. Kellogg, Jphn Harvey, physician, autlior. of Battle t reek Midi., was h*rn Feb. 2»J. 1852. in Tyrone. Mich. He graduated from the Bellevue hospital of college medical



New York



Kuro](e. in since 1875 has Battle in pnicliced



Creek. Since lS7(i he has Ix-en snperintemlBailie llie cut of Creek sanitarium. He the of is president medical American



president 1891 since . of the Haskell orphans' home and since 1891 has bis-n presi(h'nt of the .lames Yhite memorial home for aged people. He is tluinventor of improved apparatus and instru-

raertieul and surgical purposes, the author of Text Book and Charts on Physiology for Use of Schools; Man the

ments for lie


Masterpiece; Art of Massage; Rational Hydrotherapy;

The Stomach; also many tech-

nical papers and articles. He is the editor of (;oo«l Health and Modern Medicine.

Kellogg, John Morris, lawyer, jurist, was Aug. 28, 1851, in Taylor. N.Y. He has recordiT of the city of Ogdensburg; cojudge of St. Lawrence county; judge of the court of claims of the state of New York; and in 190:} was elected justice of the supreme court for the term ending in 1917. iKirn iM'en

Kellogg, Luther Laflin, lawyer, financier, 1849, in Walden, N.Y. 1. 1872 he has practice*! law in NewYork city. He is president of the West side charity organization society.

was born July Since

Kellogg, dent,


Martin, educator, college presi-

was born March 15. 1828, in Vernon. In 1893 he was elected president of

He die«I in university of California. Berkeley. Cal. Kellogg, Olin Clay, educator, author, was In Unrn April 21, 1870, in Spafford, N.Y. 1899-190(5 h«' was professor of English language and literature at the Northwestern university of Evanston, III.; and since 1900 he has filled that chair in the university of S«mth Dakota. He is the author of English and American Novelists; and American Literature. lawyer, congressman, Kellogg, Orlando, was born June 18, 1809, in Elizain'thtown, N.Y. In 1840-44 he was surrogate of Essex (ounty. In 1847-49 and 1803 65 was a representative from New York to the thirtieth and thirtv-eighth congresses. He died Aug. 24. 1805. 'in Kliziil)ethtown. N.Y. Kellogg, S. Alonzo, lawyer, jurist. In 1890 he became justice of the supreme court of New York for the fourth district. Kellogg, Samuel Henry, missionary, author, was born Sept. 0. 1839, in Wosthampton. N.Y. He was a presbyterian niissi«>nnry 1<» India in 1865-70; and was pastor of St. .lames square church of Toronto in ISSO99. lie was the author of Cirammar i>f the Hindoo Language; The .Tews, or PriHlietion and Fulfillment; The Light of Asia and the Light of the World; From Dealli to Resjirrection; and The Genesis and Growth of Religion. He died May 2. 1899, in India. Kellogg, Stephen Wright, lawyer, jurist, rongri'ssiiian, was born .pril 5. 1822. in Shelbiirne. Mass. He graduate<l from Yale ri (liege; and began the practice of law at W'aterbury. Conn. He was judge of the New Havf'!i county court in 1854; a meml»er of the Massachusetts state senate in 1853; and of the slate house of representatives in 1850. He was judge of probate in 1854 60. In 1809-75 he was a representative from Connecticut to the forty-first, forty-second and forty-third congresses, as a republican. He (lied in 1904 in Waterburj'. Conn. Kellogg, Theodore H., physician, author, the

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